Yay! I got my L7 floor routine!

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I am sooooo excited!!!! I just got my very first L7 floor routine today! It is VERY fast compared to compulsaries but I love it! My dad videotaped it but I have absolutely no idea how to get it onto my computer. Does anyone know how to do this? Feel free to pm me if you want to.
I am so excited, though! It was so interesting and not at all like learning the compulsary routines (which is a very good thing:p). Yay!:D:D:D
I am sooooo excited!!!! I just got my very first L7 floor routine today! It is VERY fast compared to compulsaries but I love it! My dad videotaped it but I have absolutely no idea how to get it onto my computer. Does anyone know how to do this? Feel free to pm me if you want to.
I am so excited, though! It was so interesting and not at all like learning the compulsary routines (which is a very good thing:p). Yay!:D:D:D

Congratulation!! My DD is loves her's too she got hers about a month ago and Loves hers too.

As for getting it from the camera to the computer and on to a youtube page well even though my DD's is there it took me over 4 hours to figure out how to get it from the camera to the computer. I still not sure how I do it LOL but somehow it gets there. I think I use Windos media Player or Real Player. then I use windows movie maker to edit it (again I'm hours trying to figure out stuff but then again I am a mom) as a kid I bet you can get it done in minuets.

let us know when you get it up and ready to view I'd love to see your routine.
Yeah, as soon as I figure it out I will post it. I just don't know how to get it onto the computer. Do I use the cd from the camcorder or if not, how do I transfer it to a full sized cd? I tried putting the cd from the camcorder into the computer, but it just reads it as a blank cd, even though it is not blank. Oh well, I will figure it out eventually.
Congrats on your new L7 FX routine. It's a huge milestone.

As for getting your clip onto the computer then onto the web, you can use Window's Movie Maker if you have Windows. Many other 3rd party software can do a better job but for web posting MM is fine (I haven't used MM). The step are pretty much the same regardless of the tool you use. Plug in your camera (USB, Firewire or RCA), start the program, capture the clip, do some editing and then finally upload to the web. Use the Help feature as a start. Good luck!
Congrats on your new L7 FX routine. It's a huge milestone.

As for getting your clip onto the computer then onto the web, you can use Window's Movie Maker if you have Windows. Many other 3rd party software can do a better job but for web posting MM is fine (I haven't used MM). The step are pretty much the same regardless of the tool you use. Plug in your camera (USB, Firewire or RCA), start the program, capture the clip, do some editing and then finally upload to the web. Use the Help feature as a start. Good luck!

Oh! Ding, the light is on. I will try that. Thank you so much! Once I get it onto the computer, I will put it up on here. Again THANK YOU!:D
Awesome!! Can you plug your camcorder into your computer using a USB? It should pop up and then you click open with Windows Movie Maker, but you will need to click "Publish file" before you can get it on youtube :)
Congrats! Optionals routines are so much more fun than the Compulsory ones.
Yeah, as soon as I figure it out I will post it. I just don't know how to get it onto the computer. Do I use the cd from the camcorder or if not, how do I transfer it to a full sized cd? I tried putting the cd from the camcorder into the computer, but it just reads it as a blank cd, even though it is not blank. Oh well, I will figure it out eventually.

I have a USB Cable that connects directly to the camcorder and I just download it but I've only done it twice now so Im not exactly sure of the steps. I think I have to finalize it before I do any downloading but I could be wrong. Once the USB cable is connected there is a menu on my camcorder that has stuff to get the download preped but I'm not sure exactly what is being done.

Most camcorders usually come with some type of software just for this. Mine did but it said I could use the windows programs also. so that's what Ive used.
I also just plug my camcorder into a firewire that's connected directly into my PC. I've actually gotten pretty fast at doing all that (I've got a lot of video practice!). I also use Windows Movie Maker. Some times I get errors (can't figure out why tho), and then I'll just have to reload it all over again. But it is pretty cool to do all this!

I also want to see it as soon as you post it! My DD will be getting hers the end of this month. She can't wait!
Yeah, I'll just have to find the cable to connect it to the computer. I'm sure my sister has one around here somewhere in this mess we call a basement.:p
One thing I am really suprised about is how I learned it in so much less time than the compulsary routines (just under 2 hours), yet I still remember it and I remember it better than those routines. Huh. Oh well, it's still pretty cool.
i don't have any advice for you on the camera thing, but i just want to say congrats for making it all the way to level seven!! i just finished level 6 and i will be getting my level 7 routines this july!!!
Sorry I haven't posted in so long. I haven't been online in forever! I still haven't quite figured out how to get it into the computer yet. I'll ask my mom tonight if she has time, but I am trying to get it online. I can plug the camcorder into the computer, but I don't know what to do next because the computer says it recognizes the videocamera but I can't find the video. Thanks so much for your patience.
Can you find the user's manual? If not the original that came with the camera, how about finding one online? Try the manufacturer's site. Without seeing the actual camera, it's hard for anyone to help you in this forum. Whatever it may be, it should be pretty simple to do. Once you upload the clip onto the computer, the rest is easy. Getting there may not be the most straight forward without the actual instructions.
I got just got my L7 routine, too. It helps to play the tape over and over again so you don't forget it!!!!!!:)

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