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  1. Peachy88

    Parents First meet in the bag!

    Success! A wonderful first meet experience and looking forward to this next one. I was so nervous but now that we have a baseline it feels easier to help her set personal goals and prepare. Any other newbies here? Thanks for all your help!
  2. coachmolly

    Off Topic Prize Bag Ideas

    This is somewhat gym related, but I figured I would post here. I have a prize bag that I periodically let the girls pick from, it's not an advertised thing that they work to earn through doing skills, but rather a bonus surprise- a kid being a great teammate/encourager, good helper, etc. But I...
  3. Marley Schardan

    Recommendations for Items in a Gym Bag?

    Hello everyone! I just recently got a bookbag (aka my gym bag) for gymnastics. Since I'm on the competitive team, we have to bring our gym bags to practice with us. It's just a basic bookbag with the gym logo and our name. We also keep them in the upstairs room on wall hooks. But I was wanting...
  4. Jard.the.gymnast

    WAG Meet bag

    What would you recommend taking to states? I just found out i have states tomorrow (got in as an alternate) and i really need a quick list of everything i Will need. Thanks in advance[emoji854]
  5. B

    Parents Mixed bag of feedback? Thoughts please!

    My Dd ( 6 years old) and her team of around 8 girls have just finished a 3 week trial of longer sessions (3 hours) as part of the teams development squad. Until 3 weeks ago they had been doing just 1 hour a week as a pre development, invite only class. Some are still in this class as he didn't...
  6. B

    WAG Mixed bag? Thoughts please!

    My Dd (6 years old) and her team of around 8 girls have just finished a 3 week trial of longer sessions (3 hours) as part of the teams development squad. Until 3 weeks ago they had been doing just 1 hour a week as a pre development, invite only class. Some are still in this class as he didn't...
  7. coachmolly

    WAG Warm-Up/Gym Bag Preferences

    I am in the process of getting warmups and bags for my girls and wanted to get some input on what you/your gymmies prefer. Cost is a huge priority here- we want to keep warm-ups and gym bag under $80 total- perhaps a bit of a stretch but I'm going to try! I am open to just doing a jacket and...
  8. D

    Whats in your meet bag?

    Hey guys, I was wondering what is in YOUR meet bag! I have a meet this weekend :p Although I have a fractured finger and a sprained ankle and a sprained ligament in my foot, I'm still going strong. Heres what is in my gym bag for comps: Healthy snacks (granola bar, dried fruit, etc,) Empty...
  9. wsg13

    WAG What kind of gym bag do you have?

    Alright so my old gym bag is fallen apart and I am on the look out for a new one. What kind of bag do you have? Brand? Size? Shape?
  10. H

    WAG The Well-Stocked Gym Bag

    With meet season approaching, I am wondering what would be considered a well-stocked competition bag. HC has always joked with DD that if the gym gave individual awards, she'd get the 'Boy Scout' award because she's always prepared for any contingency (comically, other HC's have learned this as...
  11. E

    What's In Your Gym Bag!?!?

    So as I narrow down to find a gym to start my trianing, it dawned on me - what should I bring with me!? I have my worout gear lined up. Going to order a leo tomorrow. But I guess lets play a game called What's In Your Gym Bag!? ... and why and where did you get them from? Clearly I am...
  12. R

    What's in your gym bag?

    1.) Water bottle 2.) Extra leo 3.) Extra shorts 4.) Scrunchies 5.) Snacks 6.) Grips 7.) Tiger Paws 8.) Phone 9.) IPod 10.) Other stuff that has been there a while (I need to clean out my gym bag, who knows how many scrunchies/hairties/other stuff I have :) ) What's in yours?
  13. GymMom1919

    Parents Gym Bag:Region 8 meet

    Did anyone pick up a black gym bag by chance after the regional meet last night? They said a gymnast claimed it, but it wasn't us who claimed. Hoping to find. :) Thanks!
  14. All Chalked Up

    What's in your gym bag?

    This was a fun thread a few years ago, so I'm resurrecting it for 2014 :). I got a gargantuan new one a few months ago after the Great Butt Glue Disaster (read as: little kid used it, didn't screw the top on correctly and my old gym bag is now a sticky fly trap). Aforementioned colossal bag...
  15. gymnastmom38

    Parents Practice bag suggestions?

    I've been thinking of some ideas for Christmas and one thing I think dd needs is a new gym bag. She's had the same one for, I think, 3 years now. Anyone have some ideas where I can get a cute one, not too big. Perhaps gymnast related, but not necessary? It's got to be able to fit in a cubby so...
  16. G

    WAG What's in your gym bag?

    I'm just wondering because I have a lot of back up grips and braces and everyone says I'm crazy haha. I have 2 pairs of grips, 3 pairs of wrist guards (tiger paws), an ankle brace, my tape bag with about 4 rolls of tape and 4 pre wrap because I have to tape my ankle everyday under the brace, a...
  17. G

    WAG Is this okay for my gym bag?

    So my old gym bag is pretty beat up. Holes, broken straps, and it's basically being held together by duct tape. I've had it since I switched to my current gym! That's why I bought a new bag only to find that it's incredibly small. In fact, it only fits my leotard and shorts (I go straight to...
  18. D

    What type of gym bag is better?

    I am ordering gym bags for the team and I am wondering what type of bag is better- sling, duffle, or back pack? Size? Also, should I get the lower levels different bags or would I be inviting trouble? What about getting their names on them? good or bad idea?
  19. Deanna

    WAG Snowflake Grab bag

    Kadee needs a couple new leos. I prefer not to pay out the hiney for new leos, esp since she is growing like a weed right now (is that normal at 7?) Didn't really think they had a big growth spurt at that age..oh well, lol. She went from a child X-Small to a Child Medium in about 6 months. I...
  20. wgagym

    Coaches Human Punching Bag

    That suppose to be HUMAN PUNCHING BAG! I can't edit the title;) This is silly but as a coach do you ever feel like a human punching bag? I had a particularly awesome day today where I got smacked in the face by a kiddo who was doing front handspring for the first time over the barrel. He did an...