Hi everyone-
I am new to Chalk Bucket and saw this as a great way to find advice. I am a passionate gymnast that really takes it seriously and wants perfection. About 6 months ago...I was doing giant layouts fine. Then one Saturday practice, I fit my toes on the bar so I went up and did it again...
I'm not really asking a question here- more like venting. My YDD is 13 and L7 on trampoline, and she's having a seriously rough time. She started out losing a single skill (back tuck to stomach) that she used to think was amazingly fun, and it's slowly spread. Yesterday she couldn't even make...
I'm new to this so I'm sorry if I didn't post correctly but I have this mental block against flyaways. I could do them and I was never scared of them before but at a meet I pulled in and hit my knees on the bar and fell on my neck. I'm okay now and my coach is working on them again with me but...
So I found a great article on Head games that I want my gymmie to read to help her through a block, but I'm afraid to give it to her because from reading on here I know I am not supposed to bring up the block . Any suggestions?
FWIW she is 11 and I think she is making progress but I am really...
My YDD just turned 7. She is level 3 and great on floor. She had her ROBHSBHS and FH by 6. The coaches always comment on how strong she is on floor. We were at an open gym a few weeks ago and I think the kids running around scared her. All of a sudden, she can't/won't do a ROBHS. She will...
Please give ideas - I am a training five and have all my skills for level five except my flyaway which I just can't get myself to follow through on. I had it a year ago, but lost it, and have a fear of letting go for no reason. I have a month to get it back and am very stressed - and don't want...
YDD is 10yo, level 6. She is going with 7 teammates to Flipfest next week. However, she's been struggling with a mental block on back tumbling for about 3 months, and is worried that she'll be put in a different skills group than her teammates. Does anyone know how they separate them? Is it...
Seems to be "contagious" at our gym right now. So it made me wonder if there are certain types of gymnasts or certain coaching styles that seem to induce more mental blocks than others?
Should my 10 year old level 7 take a break from gymnastics if she is having serious mental blocks across all events? Just wondering if a break would be best or if she should just keep trying to work through it.
I really struggle with vault. It is the scariest thing to me even though im not advanced at vault. At practice we were practicing with the older levels and so they put the vault setting higher and the board farther away from what im used to. becasue of this, i got nervous a lot and freaked out...
My daughter is a 10 year old level 7. She had a gym switch this year due to gym being sold. She was doing great until about a month ago. First she stopped vaulting, then stopped doing BWO-BHS series on beam, then she stopped doing front tumbling on floor and now won't do any type of flyaway. It...
Hi everyone!
I'm new the forum and a teenage gymnast. I've been lurking for a while, but never actually joined until recently. I'm about level 3 and have been having some real issues improving my block - but only going forwards (never tried backwards). In round offs and cartwheels, I'm...
HI all-- Need some real advice (or someone to smack me upside the head)...long story made short as possible...
DD has always had mental blocks and always struggled to do skills. However, she has always pulled through and gotten the skills eventually, and last year instead of being stressed out...
Long story short-
-dd was 10 yo level 9, developed a block on bhs bhs on beam.
-Went back to 8 the next year and new blocks surfaced, Giants, fulls, and flipping vault with continued bhs bhs block. Competed a tough 8 year. -Injured following the tough 8 season.
-moved gyms due to gym bit...
This may be kind of long, so heads up. I'm 19 and male too, just FYI. So lately I've been having a lot of trouble with my tumbling. My little group of friends goes to our local gym all the time, we are on the acro team there, on which I am a base. I just tumble casually, I'm not a tumbler on the...
Any advice would be appreciated.
DD has had trouble with her BHS-BHS on beam. I have not really payed much attention to it, other than the occasional, 'don't worry, you'll get it' or 'keep trying, and don't give up'....
At what point do you think some intervention is needed? I have seen these...
Hey everyone! Long time no talk ;)
So I have a question mainly for coaches, but parents are welcome to answer as well if any of their gymnasts have gone through something similar. I was tempted to put this thread in the coaches forum but decided against it as this open forum gets a lot more...
Hi everybody! My name is Leia and I am 13 years old and I am currently a level 8 gymnast. Currently my series on beam is a walkover- handspring. I have been under so much stress it's not even funny, by parents, by coaches and by regionals.
My problem is that I have problems standing there for...
My DD ( just turned 11 Level 7 ) struggled last year with a mental block on her backwards tumbling. After doing her Rao BHS BLO in competition for several months, she couldn't do it. She said it just didn't feel " right".
This lasted 7 months. Through a hypnotherapist, Doc Ali tapes, her...
How do your coaches deal with these? Almost every gymnast has them, and I happen to be suffering from some now. A few of my coaches will tell us to man up and go-but that only works on some people. Others will talk us through it, do drills, etc.
I'm interested into how you or your dd overcomes...