A little while back, I posted asking for advice for dd, struggling with her back handspring (after seeing a friend break her arm). We decided to take the pressure off (after some great advice), I was in pretty constant communication with the coach, making sure we were on the same page. Right...
DD is 8. She has had her ROBHSBHS and her ROBHSBT for awhile and all of a sudden she can no longer do a simple BHS. Her first meet is in 2 weeks. She just came home from 4 hours of tumbling in tears because even after 4 hours she doesn't have it. She is going back to practice in about an hour...
I have recently had a mental block over a handstand on high beam. I need this skill before season starts in march, which is rapidly approaching! If anyone can give advice on how to get over mental blocks, it would be greatly appreciated. :) Thank you.
Yes, I know this topic has been discussed a lot, but please bear with me. I've done a lot of research and mostly just thinking out loud here. :)
First, a little background. DD is a level 4, she was diagnosed with low back stress fracture last June and spent 12 week in a back brace. Of course...
Hi there! First time post, so bear with me!
My daughter is P1 Argo (Canadian) at the very beginning of her competitive "career". She watched a teammate break her elbow badly a month ago after jumping from low to high and landing badly after she swung off the high bar. Since then, my DD has...
Dd turned 7 at the end of August, so she's still a young 7. About a month ago, at practice, she saw her best friend break her arm (it was really broken, bent in the wrong direction). Since then she has had several bouts of balking on her back handspring (what her friend was doing when she broke...
Hi. I've read a lot of threads, but still wanted to post. My daughter is almost 10 and has been battling a mental block for 6 months. She had her ROBHS for 2 years and then lost the ability to connect it, which led to further fears of going backward on the floor. She almost overcame it and...
I feel like this is a major milestone in being a gym parent. The first mental block! Should I take a picture and put it in my CGM scrapbook? So Dd is almost 6. She is level 2. Amazing on bars, way ahead of her training group, even has a muscled up Kip. She's doing just as well on vault, and...
My DD started a brand new school today. She discovered on the playground that there were two girls in her class that also go to her new gym! And, *GASP* they could both do BHS!
So, my daughter busts in the house after school, throws down her backpack, goes to her room, comes back out in a leo...
My DD is having trouble with her ROBHBLO. She will do it on the tumble track, onto the resi (same height as floor, and really soft and squishy), but not on the floor. She can do ROBH, ROBT, and standing back tucks.
Is it dealt with differently if it is a fear vs. a block? Also, her...
Hi Everyone!
So, I have this big problem with mental blocks and fears! Does anyone have any advice on what you can do to overcome these things? I have many, but a few include... Cartwheels and going all the way up to handstand on high beam (I'm scared of tipping over on them or not landing...
I DD is a training level 4-5. She competed at level 3 last year and do wonderful (36.2 was her lowest meet score). She started working on the two RBFS and doing great and all of a sudden she is scared. She went to a different gym when she was younger and landed on her face one time when she was...
I have an athlete who is a Level 3 that struggles with her round off back handspring. She went through a period last year where she lost in completely. I researched the issue, understood the vestibular nature of it, and was VERY patient for about four months. We took it back to step one and...
A few weeks before states I started getting nervous about my front handspring layout in particular and wouldn't even throw a front handspring tuck on floor. Eventually I just started doing them on tumble track & reworking my confidence on it. I didn't really say anything to the coaches because...
DD has had her flyaway since last summer, but has "lost it" on and off after a fall. She "regained" it in the fall, and has been doing well with it over the past few months, and has competed it successfully several times. Since states, the girls have been focusing on cast-to-handstands...
I posted a while back about my DD's block over doing her ROBH and I am starting a new thread because it seems to be part of a bigger issue. She is ten years old and a Level 3.
We are having a problem with her putting in "just enough" effort in things. It's always been a bit of a problem for DH...
I've been lurking on here for a while now but could never figure out how to make my own thread and finally figured it out. also i'm sorry in advance if this post if long.also if this isn't in the right place feel free to move it.
My oldest dd is 16, we'll call her L . Over the past three...
A few days ago I was working just plain simple Arabians on the tumble track. I went to do it but I twisted the Arabian before I even landed my handspring. I went to go try again but I balked...ON THE HANDSPRING! I tried for hours just to do a round off handspring but I couldn't do it! My mind...
Hi! My daughter is a competitive level three with just three meets under her belt so far. She is on a team of 8, and the only one to not do her roundoff back handspring and her beam dismount. :(
The thing is, she CAN, and when she does, it's really good! But she's got a mental block and is...
D has reached his first official mental block. Pirouette on high bar. He has successfully done it before, has never fallen or been injured on it. But at practice Thursday, he just decided he couldn't do it. Now we are thinking that is why he fell at his last meet....avoiding his pirouette...