first meet

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  1. E

    Parents First Meet in October and its a travel meet..

    My oldest dd has her first meet in October and it is a travel meet (around 250 miles away), it will require a hotel stay (being sorted out on our behalf - we just have to pay) and dd will get her first club/competition leotard. We have a meeting up and coming to discus details and have been...
  2. Ariekannairb

    Parents 1st Meet Report!

    My girl had her first meet today! Started a bit rough with nerves causing a minor melt down but she did great getting it back together and regaining control. She had a fantastic floor routine but got ahead of the music, excellent vault, bars was as expected though she did get her mount and...
  3. gwenmom

    Parents First Meet Videos

    Morning Everyone, I just had to share the videos of Gwen's first meet. I am so proud of her. She had the best time and told me afterwards, "Mom, they were all looking at me and it was COOL." I know they aren't as impressive as some, but I am so proud of her. I knew she was one of the...
  4. DND

    WAG 1st Meet Over....

    Well first competition was yesterday and it was a combination of highs and lows. Not many girls in her level as it is quite small in our province maybe 5 girls. I was proud of the strength and determination to carry on and not give up as well as the grace shown when the disappointment was...
  5. pinkos98

    WAG First Meet Report Ever!!!

    My first meet that I've ever competed was yesterday! I was extremely excited, but also really nervous. I competed USAIGC bronze. ;) Our first event was vault: I went third- my first vault was just completely weird because my nerves got to me a little (it was the first event- understandable...
  6. pinkos98

    WAG First meet :D

    Hey everyone! Soo my first competition ever is next Saturday!  It's not that I'm new to the sport, but I'm new to competitions. [I did recreational gymnastics for around 9 years.....I have a different story than most ;) ] but anyway, what are things I should bring to the competition? (besides...
  7. DND

    WAG 1st meet questions...advice

    DD will be competing her first meet in two weeks. She is slated for Saturday around 6pm and I was wondering about when and what is best to eat that day as well as she usually has a couple of ballet classes that day - 12 - 1pm and 2 -3pm...should I let her still go to those? I am not sure if it...
  8. UTMom2three

    T&T 1st meet of the season is this weekend..

    This will be her first time competing Double Mini and she has moved up in level. Still Jr Level, but excited to see how she does.
  9. Committed

    Parents Any words of wisdom for our 1st meet?!??

    Hello Ladies! I just joined this group and I'm soooo glad I did. By reading posts, it looks like this is a great support system! I'm tired of getting annihilated by non-gym families who don't understand the time and commitment the kids WILLINGLY go through to do this sport, and the excitement of...
  10. catou

    WAG First meet is done!

    So our first meet is over! I'm pretty exhausted, as I had to coach two sessions in a row, without any break between the 2. I had 9 girls competing today in the cr3 argo de base category, but they separate them in two sessions. For 6 of them, it was a brand new thing to perform in front of...
  11. htimcj

    WAG First meet of the season is in the books!

    DD10 first meet of the season was this weekend. It was the Idaho Judge's Cup. It was a critique meet so no placements per se but you are ranked 1-44 ( that's how many L6 there were) and you can qualify for state and the level sevens can qualify for the Idaho state team for the Nation Judge's...
  12. I

    WAG First meet of the season this weekend!

    I'm starting to get really excited(and nervous) for competing this weekend!! I am nervous about floor because my routine isn't finished yet.. It'll have to be finished this week! I'm the only one in my division though so it's more like an exhibition than a competition haha. Oh well, wish me...
  13. GymBeeMom

    MAG Little man had a great first meet:)

    So my 6 yo level 4 had a great first meet. 5th AA, 3rd floor, 4th HB, and 5th vault, 9th pommel. Not too bad:) I was mostly happy he remembered everything and seemed to keep his nerves in check. Great first meet!
  14. GymBeeMom

    Parents First meet done...yay

    DD had her first and only level 6 meet tonight, and scored out. The good news is she is now a level 7, the bad news is she didn't have her best meet tonight. She did ok on beam and vault... Bars and floor are usually her top scores and she just didn't hit it tonight. Tough age group, 8-10...
  15. L

    Parents First Meet Back from Injury

    USAG Level 8 Richmond - YouTube So proud of my little gymmie.....first meet back from an injury 36.95AA Level 8 and First in all but Vault.. LOVE THAT KID
  16. A

    Parents Great First Meet :)

    First meet of the year went without a hitch. Older DD surprised everyone by winning all around first in Excel Bronze.She got first on bars and floor and second on beam and vault. She practically floated home! Younger DD had a great meet as well, had a fall on beam, but wound up 3rd overall in...
  17. W

    WAG Missing two weeks right before the first meet

    DD came down with pneumonia somehow. Missed last week and is supposed to sit this week even though she now appears healthy (doctor's orders). First meet is in two weeks, so the timing is not great. She was looking great and really excited about finally having a meet again. She is confident...
  18. gymnast98

    Great first meet!

    My first regular season meet of the season was great! It seems as though I'm on a different schedule then everyone else, as I see lots of different "last meet before states" and such postings. Well anyways, I'm very pleased with my first meet and am very excited for my Optional season! I placed...
  19. gymnast98

    First meet of the season is just around the corner!

    My first meet is only 3 1/2 weeks away! It is a preseason meet with my whole entire team(328 girls) but its still pretty nerve reckoning. This is my first season as an optional so I have my own routines. Please wish me luck!
  20. Gymmonkeymomma

    First Meet Post Injury - She's Back!!!

    Little Monkey fractured her foot on Jan 14th, just days before our trip to Sand Dollar, needless to say, she had to miss that meet, as well as Parkettes and the 2nd Sectional. This Sunday she competed for the first time, 8 weeks since getting hurt, at the last Sectional before States...