level 3

Level 3 Gymnastics

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  1. Coach247

    Coaches Level 3 bar options

    I coach level 3's in Colorado and we are about to start meet season next week. I'm excited to see what teams are choosing from all the bar options. What are you guys having your current level 3 gymnasts compete? Kip or Glide? Basket swing or stride circle? Do you have any strong opinion on...
  2. A

    Coaches Conditioning for Level 3 bars

    I have a gymnast that struggles mightily with bars. She's more solid than my other athletes who have a leaner body type and just struggles so much with bar conditioning. Even her pullover is very labored. We do chin ups and pull ups but even then she can't pull herself all the way up. Is...
  3. alsmom

    Parents Travel Meet for young level 3?

    DDs gym has one travel meet per year. It is mandatory for levels 4-10, but is optional for level 3, which is what my dd will be competing. This year the gym picked a meet that is clear across the country. My husband really wants to take dd. I feel like we should save our pennies for next...
  4. A

    WAG Level 3 bars-kip

    What do you think the percentage of kids will be competing the kip? With the start value the same, I wasn't sure if it would be just a few or if gyms would start to require a good kip for Level 3.
  5. GabbyNastiaShawn00

    WAG Level 3 deduction question

    I am competing level 3 this October, my problem is, I still don't have the ROBHS, but i'm really close. What would the deduction be for not doing the BHS... also, what are some good drills to get this skill?

    Parents DD moving from XCel to L3

    Found out last week that the main coach that both my DDs have is leaving. Was not a shock. Had a heart to heart with older DD who competed XCel Bronze last year and did very well, even making it to Regionals and placing in 2 events. She was asked by HC after spring season to move to L3. At that...
  7. munchkin3

    Parents L3 summer up training *video*

    DD has been at the gym for team camp for 3 to 6 hrs per day, (alternating). I was worried it would be too much, but she really likes it. She gets to work out with the optionals and gets to try skills she would otherwise not do. She has advanced A LOT in the last month. During her team time, she...
  8. D

    WAG this is mislabled but it is coaches learning new level 3 routine

    what we coaches do for you gymnasts LOL New level 2 floor - YouTube
  9. GymMom67

    Parents New Level 3 Floor Routine

    I finally got to see some of the new Level 3 floor routine today. They started working on them a couple of weeks ago, but my DD was out that whole week for camp, then her gym was closed all last week for the 4th. I like the routine. It has some really pretty elements. I haven't heard the...
  10. S

    Level 3 to Level 7

    Hey, is it possible to move from Level 3 - Level 7 in the time span of 7 months? One of my friends just told me she moved up and not meaning to rain on her parade but i just really wanted to know if this can happen? She's 13 if that makes a difference; Again, not hating just simply curious...
  11. D

    WAG learning level 3 bars

    Level 3 bars routine - YouTube
  12. D

    Level 3 Competition

    What are the require ments in level three for competition?
  13. H

    WAG Level 3 videos?

    Have there been any leaked videos for level 3? Floor, beam, bars, etc?
  14. K

    Parents L2 vs L3 Placement Questions

    So feel free to tell me if I am being crazy and just need to chill out and be patient. 7yo dd competed the old L2 last year. Right after states last month (about 1/2 of the team competed states, including dd, and it was the top half of the team), the coach sent out an e-mail to the parents whose...
  15. 2G1B

    WAG New level 3 floor routine

    DD learned it today. She hasn't done it to the music yet; but knows the routine and showed it to me at the end of practice. I think it is a lot prettier than her AAU 3 routine from last year. She really likes it too. :-) I also think that what I have seen of the beam routine is prettier.:p
  16. munchkin3

    WAG L3 Pullover Technique Question

    My DD has her L3 pretty down. My question is on her pullover technique. She is small, so when she begins her swing and return to stand, her arms are way over her head....She does her pullover, pull up to chin way over the bar, quick pause and then lifts her body up and over through front...
  17. A

    WAG Level 3 handstand on beam...

    Is it cross handstand, split on top, come down...... Or kick up, stay split, never bring feet together?
  18. Z

    WAG Gym has no girls at my daughter's level (new level 3)

    This is my first time posting, so I'm not sure if I'm doing this correctly. In the spring my daughter's team had 11 girls competing old level 4. 6 of the girls competed in the fall also. My daughter was one of the 5 new girls that the 3 spring meets were their first meets. My daughter just...
  19. O

    Parents Level 3???

    Dd 1 just finished her first lvl4 season scoring in the mid to high 36 range. I just learned she has been placed in the lvl 3 group for the summer. She has had all of her lvl 5 skills at the end of last summer. Her bhs still tends to be with bent legs and she is working through a fear of...
  20. K

    Parents Move Up/Skip a Level Question-- New Level 2 (old 3) vs New Level 3 (old 4)

    Level 2 dd's coach advised that she is definitely moving up to the new level 2 but they are going to see if they can have her skip a level to the new level 3, but they won't make those decisions until June or July. What are the big skills in the new level 3 (old 4)? I'm assuming it's the...