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Level 3 Gymnastics

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  1. NewtoGym

    Lil Bird's State Meet Level 3 - Video

    It was lil bird's last meet of the year, her state meet, and it was a great experience. She has come so far since Sept and we are very proud of her. She really wanted to make it to the podium and when she got 4 red, white, and blue ribbons I think she thought she was going to for sure, but she...
  2. Deanna

    Parents L3 Uptraining has begun.

    No offical word as of yet. They will probably do that in June/July (thats when they asked her to join team last year). But when I went to pick her up from gym tonight she was working on her mill circles on the bars. (she has said before that they have worked with her a little on this..only saw...
  3. cadybearsmommy

    Parents Cady's 1st Level 3 Class (Video)

    I posted on Monday that Cady was moving to Level 3 a little early. Well, here is the video of her first class. I left in the good and the bad (including her falling over on her handstand) but I think she did pretty well. A couple of her friends from her old class are in there too, so that was...
  4. cadybearsmommy

    Parents Moving up to Level 3 early!!! (shameless brag!)

    I had previously posted that dd's coach mentioned that she would more than likely be moving to the advanced preschool Level 3 class (Dynamites) in the spring/summer. Well today, I found out that they want her to start Level 3 THIS week! :D They have a total about 25-30 girls in all of the...
  5. NewtoGym

    Today's Level 3 Meet. The bird did great!!!

    Well, the little bird did great today at her meet. She improved on every event so we couldn't be more proud. She is a funny one. She did not smile until they gave out a bunny at the end. Her dad asked her on the way home if it was fun for her (since she was so serious) and she said "of course...
  6. P

    Level 3 Pre Team?

    Okay so maybe if you look at/saw my other post you would know that today we got our 'report cards' back. Sooo..i am on Level 3 Pre Team! i know, most of you are like..wow. haha. but, i am a beginner. so. no hate(: so, what i am just trying to ask is, what is the MAJOR skills you need to be able...
  7. G

    Level 3 bars- leg cut/ shoot through?

    Hey Everyone, Today I brought my little niece to an open gym at my work (she is on the level 3 team at another gym). Her first meet is coming up at the end of the month, so she wanted help on her routines. She was asking to be spotted for a shoot through before her mill circle. I was confused...
  8. shadow

    level 3 and state

    our gym is hosting the level 3 and 4 state meet for indiana this year and we recently had a meeting with our state representative about how to host this meet. she told us that level 3's were not required to qualify for state. so what is going on? we are totally confused by this because we have...
  9. A

    Repeating level 3?

    Hi all-I've been lurking here for a while and could really use some advice. My dd's(6) coach told me she wants my dd to repeat level 3 next year. I don't really see the point in this, but I don't know what to do. Dd has done 1 competition this year and is still missing a few of her skills...
  10. G

    3 year old level 3 :0

    Awwwwwwww... how cute and good is she i can't believe she is 3 and a level 3 :) : YouTube - 3-Year-Old Bradyn's First Gymnastics Meet ? Level 3
  11. B

    L3 or L4

    Bella had gym last night and the L3 coach asked if we could speak. She told me that the plan is to move Bella up to "team" in March/April after the competition season. She said that she would like for herself as the L3 coach, me as the mom, and the L4 coach to have a meeting to discuss whether...
  12. 1

    Coaches Question on lvl 3 beam routine

    Which is the correct way for the lvl 3 routine? I've been told to teach it both ways by 2 different coaches. After the handstand take 1-3 runnning steps, pivot, and then split jump or after the handstand take 2 running steps, pivot and then if you landed with the wrong foot for the split jump...
  13. Bajanswife

    Parents Just came back from our second L3 meet.

    We traveled a few thousand miles to this meet - from Barbados to South Carolina! It was a great experience, that's for sure! I was a bit disappointed for Danielle that she didn't do better - she was so hoping to get some medals. I find that she's still inconsistent with her skills and routines...
  14. IrenicMom

    Parents First L3 meet

    She came, she saw, she competed. Her scores were not fabulous, but she was right there in the middle of the pack. Came in 4th AA. Not bad for the baby of the team. More important to me, though, was that she was smiling through the whole thing (even the hot mess of a FX), had a great...
  15. shadow

    split leaps in level 3 floor routine!^^

    does it matter how much split the leap has in level 3? because our girls are little and we cant seem to get them to split very much and at meets most other gyms are just about or they are 180 split, but it doesnt seem to affect their score. if they do need to be 180 or a little below, are there...
  16. S

    Second Level 3 Meet Report

    My dd had her second level 3 meet. She was sick for the whole week before. She did really good in spite of this. She got second all around. She had a fall on bars (her strongest event usually) but still placed 3rd on them. We were iffy about wether she would even go because she didn't have the...
  17. S

    Second Level 3 Meet This Weekend

    My daughter has her second level 3 meet this weekend. She is nervous. I am excited but nervous too. I really want her to have fun. She got first all around last time so I hope she is ok with however she does at her second meet. I don't want her to feel pressured.
  18. K

    level 3 floor routine

    I had a couple of questions relating to the level 3 floor routine. First, what should a gymnast do if she does not complete the roll portion of the handstand forward roll? (handstand back to lunge instead of roll) What is the deduction if the skill is repeated (correctly) vs skipping the roll...
  19. S

    First Meet Report- Level 3

    I really really want to share video of my 5 yer old daughter's first meet but I really need a place to come and ask questions and vent without parents from my gym using it for gym bleacher talk. With that being said... I know that a lot of gyms don't compete level 3 but since my daughter is 5...
  20. S

    First Level 3 Meet

    My daughter has her first meet ever coming up. She is nervous! I am excited because I think it will be fun. Please wish her good luck! I am hoping that she has fun and doesn't get frustrated if/when she forgets her routines or has a fall.

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