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  1. C

    Off Topic RIP Paul Newman

    Is anybody else a little bit sad to hear that Paul Newman passed away? He made so many philanthropic contributions that most people were unaware of and seemed like an all-around good guy. And he wasn't too hard on the eyes, either.
  2. G

    Gymnastic Rips...Would you do this ?

    When i came to coach in another country, the coaches were applying magnesium carbonate (gym chalk) directly onto an open hand rip/wound regardless of the size of the rip and have the gymnast continue to train. I have put a stop to this practice by the way. Has anyone ever heard of this ...
  3. D

    Rips... again

    I am a level 7 gymnast and I cannot stop ripping!!! I have had nine rips in a 5 day week of practice. And this has been happening for the past month or so. I was wondering though, should I moisturize my hands regularly or will that just add to my rips. Many articles online say that you should...
  4. gymgal

    Parents new respect for girls with rips

    I was working in the garden today and got two nasty rips from the tools. Man they hurt. Especially if you run them under water. Never again will I tell my dd to "suck it up" when she complains about the pain in the shower. No - I don't actually say that, but I have wanted to... I really thought...
  5. coveredinchalk

    Parents First rips brag

    I can't beleive I am even bragging about this becasue it seems odd, but DD got her first hand rips :eek: during practice today trying kips and boy was she so proud of herself. She ran to show the gym owner her wounded hands like it was the greatest thing in the world. She is six as of yesterday...
  6. maddiekate

    6 rips

    I have 6 rips on my right hand now. What's even weirder is that my left hand has 0. I got the first 3 last week at gymnastics camp, and 3 more today at open gym. My left wrist is still red and its has been over an hour since i stopped bars. I did bars for well over an hour today just because i...
  7. mariposa

    Parents Rips care?

    Well, my little girl got her first rips today. She got 3 of them. Ouch. She instantly broke into tears and then came to find me. We went to the office and the gym owner cut off the excess skin and bandaged her up and she went back out to the gym. At home was a whole different story. She...
  8. J


    My dd's hands look terrible...does anyone have any suggestions to help the rips? She uses grips and is training L6.. Thanks!!!
  9. G


    I onl practice twice a week, not including open gyms, and yesterday when i was workig on tap swings i got two rips one p each hand the size a bit saler than a quarter.... so i got tape and ect ( i dont wear grips becaseim not on team and dont pactice that much.... shuld i?????) then went back on...
  10. T

    bars: rips and grips.

    i use to be a level 5, but i moved to high school gymnastics in november. i get rips ALOT probally once a week mabey less, and i peel alot. i've tried the lotion & a sock and it didnt work. any tips? and i need grips, really bad, but my mom cant really afford them. i heard Link Removed is good...
  11. M

    Preventing Rips

    My daughter quit competitive gymnastics last May. She's now taking a rec class that's an hour and half long. They don't do bars every class. In March/April she's going back to team and will be practicing 13 hours a week. I can't imagine what that jumps going to do to her hands!! Does...
  12. G


    um..... what is a way to help heal rips fast. thanx caz i have a one and i have a meet coming up
  13. L

    tape for rips

    What do you use to wrap the hands when you have a rip? DD says the open skin stings, but bandaids won't stick. They use a prewrap and tape them at the gym, but I don't know where to get it or what it's called. I tried gauze and first aid tape, but it's not working too well. I don't want them...
  14. M


    What can make your hands strong so u have a less chance of ripping?
  15. S


    Hi im new to the gymnastic scene and I see people talking about rips? But what exactly are they because this might seem a dumb question but I cant acctuly figure it out!
  16. L


    My DD moved up to the level 4 pre-team last week :applause:! Next thing you know, she got her first rip from bars tonight. Anyone have any great remedies? Her coach said aloe vera and wear a sock to bed which we did, but she said it stung alot. At least she has 3 days off from gym now, so...
  17. N

    Preventing Rips

    i have been doing gymnastics for 3.5 years now, and i am now a level 5. bars has always been my weakest since i have started doing gmynastics. i can do basicly only 5 skills on it. what happenes alot is i get usually 4-5 rips everytime i swing bars. when i rip, they get really bad sometimes...