86 year old demonstration floor routine at Cottbus

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That brought a team to my eye. Hell I am 36 and I couldn't do that (nor would anyone want to see me in a leotard)... Good for her!!
Amazing! I love the classical feel of this. An exercise in agility and grace (and flexibility! At 86! Incredible!). It reminds me that skill level alone does not make gymnastics beautiful - hard to remember this considering the current demand for difficulty (faster, better, stronger). This was simply beautiful and also brought a tear to my eye.
Amazing! I love the classical feel of this. An exercise in agility and grace (and flexibility! At 86! Incredible!). It reminds me that skill level alone does not make gymnastics beautiful - hard to remember this considering the current demand for difficulty (faster, better, stronger). This was simply beautiful and also brought a tear to my eye.

I feel the same way. I'm in my 40s and don't have that flexibility! my back hurt just watching her! In some ways, I really wish there would be an "adult" gymnastics league, centered more on the grace and agility, not the power and strength... Not sure there would be many watchers but I know I'd like it!
Our HC/owner of my daughter's gym is 84, about to turn 85 & she can still do a cartwheel, never misses a practice or a meet! I so hope I'm in good shape like her when I'm that age! You can see her cute little self at the very end of my daughter's bar video from a couple weeks ago.http://youtu.be/GW43QYI1m0o
i could still give her a run for her money! LOL! THAT was heartwarming.:)
That is just plain awesome! No way could I do that at 44. :)
Wayy cool!!
Showed this to my parents and told them they have plenty of years to learn, but I expect this when they are 86 :D
Awesome! I'm 45 and she is an inspiration for me to keep going with my gymnastics.
That's absolutely amazing, and inspiring. I'm only in my 30s and she puts me to shame. Maybe I should get back in the gym!
Holy smokes! That was amazing. I've thought about doing a little gym to better understand my daughter's pursuits and immediately dismissed the idea because I was "too old". At 36! not sure if I'm more in awe of that woman or more ashamed of myself.
I feel the same way. I'm in my 40s and don't have that flexibility! my back hurt just watching her! In some ways, I really wish there would be an "adult" gymnastics league, centered more on the grace and agility, not the power and strength... Not sure there would be many watchers but I know I'd like it!

I would watch it. While I enjoy seeing some of the more difficult tricks, I really miss the more artistic gymnastics of the past.

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