Not to keep harping on this, but after reading the requirements at each level, it appears to be a greatly watered-down version of USAG requirements. The level 10 requirements could be met by any level 8 at our gym. The level 6 requirements are about what a level 4 could do. It’s like Xcel, only easier. I hate to say it, but it does appear to be just about the money, as the standard of performance expectation is significantly lower. I don’t see how it will lead to college scholarships at this point in time.
For side-by-side comparison. I did reorder the NGA Requirements to make the comparison easier
Bars: JO Level 8 (4 A & 4B) NGA Level 8 (4 A & 4 B & 1 C)
1. Min. of 1 bar change 1. Cast Handstand
2. B element with flight or turn 2. Flight or Turn
3. B element from Groups 3,6, or 7 3. Clear Hip, Stalder, or Hecht
4. Salto or Hecht dismount (min. A) 4. Salto Dismount
Beam: JO Level 8 (4 A & 4B) NGA Level 8 (4 A & 4 B & 1 C)
1. Acro series (min 2 elements), 1 with flight 1. Acro series, one with flight
2. One leap/ jump with 180º split 2. One leap/ jump with 180º split IN COMBINATION
3. Minimum 360º turn on 1 foot 3. Full Turn
4. Aerial or salto dismount, min.. A 4. Salto dismount
Floor: JO Level 8 (4 A & 4B) NGA Level 8 (4 A & 4 B & 1 C)
1. Acro series with 2 saltos or 2 directly connected saltos 1. Acro series - 3 elements with Salto
2. 3 different saltos within the exercise 2. "B" Salto
3. Dance passage, min 2 dif Group 1 elements 3. Leap / jump pass 180º (2 elements)
- one a leap with 180º cross or side split
4. Minimum 360º turn on 1 foot 4. "B" Turn
- isolated or in a series
They seem fairly similar to me. And, imho, it is better to spell out what is actually required, than to give requirements (that if met with minimums) result in "up to level" deductions.