At home conditioning during gym closure

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Proud Parent
Oct 17, 2018
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My daughter's gym is closed at least until the end of the month. I'm still holding out hope that we will see a post-season knowing it isn't likely. What are your kids planning to do at home to try to stay in conditioned shape as much as they can? This will be a big change for their bodies after being used to training 4 hours a day.
Usually when we go on a long vacation, our coach will email us a conditioning list for my daughter to work on. Perhaps you could ask for something similar?
We have a more elaborate home gym than most homes, so if/when home quarantine starts I was thinking of running a 6 week basic strength building program with my DD like Starting Strength, Strong Lifts 5x5, or something that incorporates progressive overload. One of those programs with a progress chart so she can feel and see the results of the program.

Emotionally she is quite a wreck right now, she was preparing for states and a level jump and now worries that they will want the whole season repeated (along with feeling guilty for worrying about her gymnastics over bigger issues), so I'd like her to feel like she came away with something positive at the end of the ordeal and a little more strength is what I came up with.
We plan on doing yoga together. Plus we have a weight machine, elliptical, paralletes, and pommel. My husband has rings,so he can do some on those too. Pull up bar, etc. Mostly that kind of thing.
I will be putting out a gym workout for all of our athletes and will share Here when it is complete for anyone who wants to do it. in the mean time, parents need to pick up two 8, two 10 and two 12 pound dumb bells. Also a pull up bar for a doorway, if you don't already have a place to do pull-ups. NO GYMNASTICS ON THAT PLEASE....
I will be putting out a gym workout for all of our athletes and will share Here when it is complete for anyone who wants to do it. in the mean time, parents need to pick up two 8, two 10 and two 12 pound dumb bells. Also a pull up bar for a doorway, if you don't already have a place to do pull-ups. NO GYMNASTICS ON THAT PLEASE....
We will do whatever you say!
Looking forward to coachp's gym workout.

We've also found some great workouts on They have a great search feature where you can select things like intensity (on a scale of 1-5), style (ie strength, HIIT, pilates, etc), and body focus (core, arms, etc.). You can also put in the amount of time you are looking for. Almost everything is free. They just start a program you pay for labeled Fitnessblender Plus but there are well over 500 workout videos that are free. They have a very healthy attitude about fitness too.
Happy Abs , we do this almost every day so add this to the other workouts I will be posting this week.

What you need. Stop watch , carpet or something soft to lay on.

Start with 20 seconds each exercise, This ab set is all connected, no resting or down time, bam bam bam..
so read through it first , understand each exercise then excuse in order, you will see how it flows and breaks the stomach down.
I lovely named this "Happy Abs" about 15 years ago. this should be done at least 5 times a week.

1. Hollow body hold,
2. Twisting V ups, thats a V up that arms go back and then forward with both hands on the right side of the body, touch fingers on the floor, back down with arms going back behind the head, then up both hands to the left fingers touch the floor. repeat repeat repeat... Make sure that after hands touch the floor arms go back UP behind head, (kids like to cheat and keep hands in front).
3. Cone head crunches , while on your back, put legs straight up in the air, straight towards the ceiling L shape (toes pointed:) take straight arms and put them behind your head with hands clasped, (the kids reverse hands cross arms and grasp hands) so the arms are straight behind the head holding the head in place with the biceps so the arms look kinda like a big cone on your head, hence the name.
4. Imaginary top climb, holding the same position (on back with legs straight towards the ceiling) keep head off the ground and reach each hand towards your toes like you are climbing a rope.
5. Bend Knees feet on the floor, hands behind the head, regular crunches
6. Same position put the right leg over the left and bring left elbow to right knee
7. Same position put the left leg ver the right and bring the right elbow to the right knee.
8. Same position put both feet flat on the floor bent knees , keep shoulders square to the ceiling , roll both knees to the Right keeping shoulder square with ceiling, keep crunching
9. Same exercise, roll knees to the left.
10. Same position. roll knees back to the right BUT turn the whole body to that direction execute a side crunch, try to bring left elbow to left hip
11. Same exercise roll to the left
12. stay on that (left) side, put elbow on the floor straight legs, left side plank. pulse the hips tiny bit , like a plank hold with a little rhythm .
13. same exercise to right side pulse
12. prone (normal plank hold)
14 supine (reverse plank)
15. Hollow body hold
16. Hollow body hold flutter feet.

Seal stretch. Next time do 20 seconds each phases, then up it to 30., Guys if they are stopping, pausing , cheating, then you're wasting your time . This whole workout should be non stop flowing from beginning to end. Do not up the time until they can make it through 20 seconds each phase. Also don't exceed that as 30 seconds each phase done correct is pretty good workout.
Enjoy!!!! more workouts coming soon.
Our gym is not closed at the moment. But we have conditioning to do should it close
My daughter has convinced me to spring for Insanity Max. Both will continue conditioning and stretching. I'm changing my running schedule to incorporate a few short runs each week on which the gymnasts can join me. We know we have to stay physically active or we will all kill each other.
Here is another resource:

Thank you very much coachp, this is FANTASTIC !
8. Same position put both feet flat on the floor bent knees , keep shoulders square to the ceiling , roll both knees to the Right keeping shoulder square with ceiling, keep crunching
How much do you roll the knees toward the side ? Until they are almost touching the floor ?
Our gym has home conditioning lists that require little to no equipment for vacations. Maybe find a workout program you can find online if you gym doesn’t have this.
Our gym has home conditioning lists that require little to no equipment for vacations. Maybe find a workout program you can find online if you gym doesn’t have this.
*find a workout program online*
General home conditioning and skill specific conditioning:

Leg tightening and flexibility work with minimal equipment:

Press handstand work with minimal equipment:

Improve your turns at home!

Fun choreographed core conditioning:

Last edited by a moderator:
General home conditioning and skill specific conditioning:

Leg tightening and flexibility work with minimal equipment:

Press handstand work with minimal equipment:

Improve your turns at home!

Fun choreographed core conditioning:

Last edited by a moderator:

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