Back Walkover Back Handspring on Beam (connection)

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I am a level 8 gymnast. I am having trouble connecting back walkover into a back handspring. I can do it on the low beam without a problem, but when I go to the high beam, I force my self to swing my arms before I do the back handspring, so it isn't a connection. I am scared to do it on the higher beams but I do it good on the low beam. Any suggestions on how to be able to do the connection without getting scared???:confused:
Stay on the low beam until you are 100% confident to move to higher beam OR stack mats underneath the high beam so you are practically on the floor then gradually remove one mat at a time.
Really try to slow the bwo down as much as you can to give yourself time to breath and concentrate on the bhs.
How about putting a pad over the beam - do the bwo on the bare beam and then bhs onto the pad.
One of my gymnasts has this too and she is also struggling to link it - She is doing all of the above and also practicing handstand, step down into bhs and stretch jump, land, bhs just to give her the idea of keeping moving.

Good Luck!
The only problem I see with the nova pad is that it is hard to give up once you start using DGD had an awful time parting with it as she felt it really gave her an advantage but she has "finally" started doing her BWO, BHS (it's not the prettiest, but at least she is doing it now)...I would think if you could just imagine that you are on the low beam and do it, it would work, but I'm sure that is hard to visualize when you have that fear. The comments maria83 gave you with regard to slowing down the BWO sounds like a good plan. Keep trying and one day it will come as if you always had it. Good Luck.
Thank you both for your suggetsions. I finally got my connection on the high beam and competed it in my competition yesterday!!! I got a 9.025 and 3rd place!!!! I can't thank you enough!!!:)

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