Parents Brag Alert....Level 5 38.5

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This girl is a beautiful gymnast. She is a delight to watch.

I would however like to caution parents about questioning high scores. There are many types of gymnasts and many will in their lifetime never or rarley see high scores. Some gymnasts will see them often and are deserving of them. Gymnastics however is a long journey and patientce, humility, and endurance are all needed for this journey. These qualities are needed by both the gymnast and their parents.

I would like to share a story form a meet I was at with DD this weekend.

Gym A has wonderful gymnasts and very talented deserving of high scores and winning. They were a delight to watch compete but at awards it was a differnt stroy!! These lovely young gymnasts got up and were headed to the podium BEFORE their names were called! UGH! At this point I felt sorry for these young gymnasts that no one had bothered to teach them good sportsmanship. They no longer became a joy to watch. I am not the only one at this awards session who felt this way. I by the way did NOT have a gymnast competing in this meet. So jealousy was not the issue.

Now this gym is a popular one with national gymnasts and I know in the past this is not this HC's philosophy the HC is a humble person. I am hoping these gymnasts are talked to by HC when they arrive back at the gym today. A part of me lost respect for this gym and it's gymnasts after this awrds session. I will be watching them closley in future meets to see how they react at awards next time.

As parents we need to ba careful what examples we set for our kids. do we want them to only take from this world we live in or give back to it?? If we all only take what kind of world will be left for our kids??

Sorry for the digression :(
So true...Sophia runs back to sit down before AA awards are announced even after 4 1st place finishes.....even though she is now aware that she will be called first.....I asked her how she knew to do that...and she said....I don't want anyone to think I knew I won....and feel bad they didn't. It's to her credit she is that aware!
Since you wanted more from is some more...I've been told my daughter is given easier judging because of who she is, because she's Chinese, because she's cute, because of a million things....rarely because she NEVER misses practice, she works very very hard, she sets goals for herself without prompting, because she is focused, because she knows that you practice like you compete and because she plain LOVES this sport. I'm flabbergasted that this forum embraces the parent with boo hoo posts needing support and reacts like this to this post. Is this forum only for problems?

She definitely does not get her scores for any other reason except that she is an exceptional gymnast. Her form is exquisite and she does her skills almost perfectly. It is obvious that she works very hard and also has a lot of natural talent for the sport and is in a gym that works the finer details. She is very gracious when she gets her awards and love that she congratulates those next to her. I also agree with you that it is really, really hard to have a super talented kid. I have said it many times on these forums. But it is also tough to see your kid work hard and still struggle.

BUT, I can very much see how other parents would get upset if you were to bring up the complaint about a 9.45. Most gymnasts will never get those kinds of scores or do their routines as well as Sophia does. My daughter ALSO never misses practice and she works very hard. She is not a natural and everything is a fight for her. Doesn't mean she isn't a good gymnast, but she will probably NEVER see the scores and that is okay. She also LOVES the sport. Just because she doesn't score in the 9s doesn't mean she doesn't work really hard or go to practice everyday or love the sport. She lives, eats, breathes and dreams gymnastics just like most gymnasts do. :)

I asked for more from you for OTHERS. Of course you don't have to do that, I would just like to see you give to the forum as much as you take. I hope that of all posters, but most already do this. And I love all the brag posts here. I can post videos on Facebook for my friends and they really just see the same routines as they have all season. But parents of gymnasts notice the little improvements (and know they are really big ones!) and it is nice to be able to share amongst those that understand. But I would guess that most posters here that will post a brag post also read and comment on other threads and share their insight. I feel like you pop in when Sophia has a meet (or you have an issue to ask for advice on) and then you disappear until the next time. Which is fine, but I think people would relate to you more if they felt you gave back to the forums, too.
Wow...I do post on others "brags" etc but find little to offer when there are posts about gymmies who have great challenges learning skills etc and don't feel my perspective would be well received when my daughter is earning 38.5. My ??? on the 9.45 was only that is was a beautiful routine.....better than any other meet this season and her "usual" score is a 9.7 or higher. I was not disappointed in the 9.45....and neither was my daughter. I don't know how this thread turned into Lovofu needs to be more humble and participate more. I don't see that reaction on other threads but I think it's easier to sympathize with challenges than the other way around.

I always find that even when I can't offer much in the way of advice, I can always offer some support. That's always appreciated, I think. :) I think that Sophia is a very talented gymnast and glad to hear that she is enjoying the process.
Wow...I do post on others "brags" etc but find little to offer when there are posts about gymmies who have great challenges learning skills etc and don't feel my perspective would be well received when my daughter is earning 38.5. My ??? on the 9.45 was only that is was a beautiful routine.....better than any other meet this season and her "usual" score is a 9.7 or higher. I was not disappointed in the 9.45....and neither was my daughter. I don't know how this thread turned into Lovofu needs to be more humble and participate more. I don't see that reaction on other threads but I think it's easier to sympathize with challenges than the other way around. I do feel very alone in this journey...other team parents treat myself and my daughter much the same.....when Sophia has a bad day at practice they are like "'s Sophia and she always earns high scores so no big deal". I will tell you that managing a child with these kind of results is no less difficult than managing a child who must repeat level 4 because they can't get their kip. Sophia has goals and dreams and as you can see from her video she is a gracious, darling child and that is no accident. We talk long and often about appreciating what you have been given and her humility comes naturally. So enough about my lack of participation.......I had found this the one place where I could celebrate her accomplishments but find this dialogue to be wearing and inappropriate...I was just posting the video for the folks who have expressed interest in her season and future. Thanks Lovofu

By the way I was not it gloating because her results were so good? WOW, I just stated the facts.....can't change them....and the next meet may be wholly different...Our motto in our house is you can only control your performance and no one else, not the judges or other girls...only you! So Sophia does not "count" on a 38.....or any placement and the last meet was just as happy that her teammate took first in vault because "She works so hard, she deserves it"....

Sophia is a talented girl. However, many of your posts deal with "the latest meet score brag", or "Dealing with talented gymmies" or "fill in the blank." Since this is a community many kids do have struggles in your particular case that is not an issue currently.
Your daughter is having tremendous success and I am sure you are so proud! But sometimes a post of ... she had a good meet is enough. Perhaps there should be a "gifted and talented gymnastics section"?
I do not think anyone here is thinking that Sophia is not a gracious winner. She seems to be a very genuine girl and you should be proud of all her accomplishments. I think the reaction is that you disagree with the score she recieved. That you think it should have been higher. Maybe it should have been but to put it out there in a public forum with other parents whose children would love to get a score like that can be a little bit offputting to some. Sophia deserves all the fantastic scores and I am sure she works very hard!! However, many parents on here also feel that their child works just as hard and never get those kinds of scores!! Here in Missouri I have never been at a meet that anyone scored a 38. I am sure that there are some out there but not at the ones I have attended. You should be proud!! I for one still love watching her videos as does my DD. She is amazing for a 7 year old!!
I read every thread.....I don't often weigh in IF I don't have advice...I can't relate to most issues that are posted posting for the sheer sake of posting doesn't seem useful. I read every day....I watch every video and when I have something to add (on only 2 years experience) I post.....We don't struggle with the "usual" challenges...but have challenges none the less....I don't post her meet results to gloat or brag.....truly.....I'm in awe of her when she scores "big" and I'm in awe of her when she scored 8.4 her first meet on vault...because she made it over the table. I sit with her when she cries because she's afraid of the vault and wants to skip vault altogether...thus I'm even more in awe of a 7 year old who spent a year in an orphanage who can put on her game face and run full tilt towards a vault table that terrifies her! I will post when I have something to add...NOT to make parents happy who are keeping count of how many times I post as if then I will be more worthy or valuable. I don't get satisfaction from posting those scores.....she will have that meet someday, maybe soon, that will not be that "high" or stellar and I will be no less proud of her accomplishment. The measure of a champion is how they handle setbacks AND how they handle success.
I don't want to pile on here, but I too was taken back by the comment questioning the 9.45 score. Yes maybe she normally scores higher, but to even question a score when you're child is already scoring 38's and winning first place on every event made me very disappointed. My child, and most children in gymnastics, will never see scores like that, let alone sweep first place in every event. "I could hear you in the tape say 9.45 are you kidding me?" and that to me is disconcerting. There are no doubt people sitting around you who's children would run around screaming to receive a score like that, and to hear a parent express disappointment in it, well I am sorry but I find it rude.

In the area where I live, even the best gymnasts at every level aren't given 38 AA scores, it's just the nature of scoring here. I have said it before, but in the last 2 years there has been exactly 1 38 in L5/L6 states here and we several TOPs A camp team members in this area just to attest to the skill level of many of the girls around here.

Our team went to a meet last year where the floor scores were insanely low. I posted the video of the meet on here and I believe to a man each person was shocked at the 7.85 my daughter received. Our coaches felt every girl on the team was scored 5 tenths lower at least than they should have been. However did our coaches protest or question the scores with the judges? Heck no and the reason was that in the team competition our girls were winning by 2 points so the sportsmanlike thing to do was to suck down the low score, accept the first place team award and move on.

You have an amazingly talented child and when she is elite, or signing her letter of intent to compete for a college, no one is going to remember or give a crud what her beam score was on that one L5 meet in 2011. All they will care about are the skills of a talented champion, so focus on that and be thankful that you have a child who might realistically have a shot at something big. But if you want to have any friends there to congratulate you when it happens, a little humble pie might be in order. I am sorry if it offends you or angers you to hear that, but that is my feeling on the situation.
Scores in the 38 range are RARE in the state of VA also.......I've never seen another at a meet this season for level 5.....we take nothing for granted!!! Believe me...I think a gifted forum would be crazy...every gymmie is gifted in different ways!!
Wow have never met me....yet you are prescribing humble pie.....I don't gloat or take one moment for granted. Why is posting facts gloating...I wasn't questioning the score, it was just surprising!! They were low ALL day for everyone and fair across the board! I prescribe for you less judgement perhaps. By the way, I won't need or expect any congratulations if she makes it that far!! It's her journey and all her.

I didn't see an issue with your post, at all. Please know that while some people took your comment one way, not everyone did. I do think it is hard for people whose child has not excelled to have empathy for parents whose child is above average. At least thats the vibe I get (and my child is average)

Hang in there! Sophia is SUPER cute and SUPER talented. I can remember recent posts where posters commented on how gracious a winner she was. Doesn't come from thin air, so kudos mom for instilling that!
Okay folks time to move along. There will never be a talented or gifted forum here, all our gymmies are talented and gifted.

I think everyone has made their points now.
"You have an amazingly talented child and when she is elite, or signing her letter of intent to compete for a college, no one is going to remember or give a crud what her beam score was on that one L5 meet in 2011. All they will care about are the skills of a talented champion, so focus on that and be thankful that you have a child who might realistically have a shot at something big. But if you want to have any friends there to congratulate you when it happens, a little humble pie might be in order. I am sorry if it offends you or angers you to hear that, but that is my feeling on the situation." Sharks

Now this is what should make everyone question NOT Lovofu's post. I am sorry, but I guess I never thought to dissect Lovofu's original post. This little girl is extremely talented. I honestly don't see how any one can be so point blank and make such outlandish remarks. These types of attacks are what seriously cause parents to NOT want to post, comment, etc. I was almost driven away from this site for very similar reasons. Can we all just agree that we ALL think differently? For the record Lovofu, I never thought to question your original post. I was bummed though that I couldn't see it right away because she is just so fantastic! DD loves to watch her as well. She always says, "She is so good Momma!" From the mouths of babes! BTW thanks for sending it to me so that I could view it earlier. Gymnastics is just that gymnastics!;)
Helloooo! Did I not say that it is time to move on?

I would hate to close this thread, but it's becoming a distinct possibility.
I just have to add that I find it kind of disconcerting that you can't offer support for "girls who face challenges." My daughter is no longer a top scorer at her meets, yet she was a fantastic compulsory competitor! She has worked extremely hard to overcome some mental blocks, fears, etc. She has gotten older, skills have gotten more difficult, she quit, did Prep Op, and is now back in the JO stream. So she's had her "challenges," yet parents of girls who are great upper level optional gymnasts still manage to compliment her on her accomplishments. And I appreciate that!

Even though my own daugther is not top podium placements, I still am able to congratulate or give kudos to any gymnast who is working hard, improving skills, has a great attitude, or there are just a multitude of things that can be remarked upon when parents post their girls' meet results! I don't have to be persronally experiencing a situation to still offer support. I think that's what most people who have responded here have been feeling. I just find it hard to believe that you can't offer support for girls "facing challenges." I think that's what people are finding a bit off-putting. It's great to come here and post wonderful results (which Sophia DEFINITELY deserves). But its also fantastic to actually become part of the community and share support with one another.

I am also in Virginia and have been at some of the same meets (different sessions) as Sophia. Her gym IS a wonderful gym and the girls ALL do very well at the compulsory level. It's hard to not get excited when she's scoring these BIG scores... as well you should! This is the one place we can come and give and lend support, especially when friends "not in the gym world" tend to think we're crazy for allowing our girls (and boys) to compete in this crazy sport!
My "challenged" and "struggling" daughter would love that beam score! I'm afraid the only 38 she will see is maybe a bra size, LOL!

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