WAG Deduction on floor for "cheerleading"????

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Proud Parent
Jun 7, 2016
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My daughter's coach told her after state that she received a .1 deduction on her floor routine for "cheerleading". I've never heard of this. I have no idea what the judge would be referring to. Her floor routine is VERY upbeat and spunky and she's make lots and lots of facial expressions during her routine. But can they actually deduct for that??? Just wondering if we should have her tone it down for regionals?? The crowd loves it and so does she, I really don't want her to change it or how she performs it at all. If the judge doesn't like it I guess that's just too bad.
Interesting I’ve never heard of such a thing. As a spectator I’d rather watch a gymnast ‘cheerleading’ than some of the blank faced routines I’ve seen. When I’ve done score input
for meets, the judges always seemed to appreciate smiling gymnasts.
I have heard of judges deducting upper levels for girls being "too cutesy" or not having routines or musics that isn't fitting of the the gymnast.. but cheerleading? huh? LOL
I have heard of judges deducting upper levels for girls being "too cutesy" or not having routines or musics that isn't fitting of the the gymnast.. but cheerleading? huh? LOL
I feel like it was more of the judge's personal preference, like the judge probably likes the more ballet type routines and maybe isn't such a fan of the up tempo high energy routines like my daughter's. But I don't feel like a judge should be able to deduct based on their personal preference of what they like or don't like. Really hoping she doesn't have this same judge on floor at regionals!!!
I feel like it was more of the judge's personal preference, like the judge probably likes the more ballet type routines and maybe isn't such a fan of the up tempo high energy routines like my daughter's. But I don't feel like a judge should be able to deduct based on their personal preference of what they like or don't like. Really hoping she doesn't have this same judge on floor at regionals!!!
yeah i have heard it happen and they do give the judges that discretion and i don't think it is right! I wouldn't even mention it to her and have her get out there and do her thing!!!
Was it a deduction for cheerleading on the spring floor, or the competition floor. We always teach kids to be quiet during competitions, because cheering others on might distract people who are competing at that moment
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Was it a deduction for cheerleading on the spring floor, or the competition floor. We always teach kids to be quiet during competitions, because cheering others on might distract people who are competing at that moment
No, it was part of her routine I guess. So you are saying that a girl could get deducted for cheering on her teammates??? How in the world would that even work?? Are the judges sitting at the table and watching the girls on the sidelines and making notes about the ones that are cheerleading?? We actually have contests in our gym leading up to meet days where we give out prizes for the best cheerleaders. I couldn't imagine by daughter and her teammates not cheering on her teammates and having to remain silent on the sidelines.
No, it was part of her routine I guess. So you are saying that a girl could get deducted for cheering on her teammates??? How in the world would that even work?? Are the judges sitting at the table and watching the girls on the sidelines and making notes about the ones that are cheerleading?? We actually have contests in our gym leading up to meet days where we give out prizes for the best cheerleaders. I couldn't imagine by daughter and her teammates not cheering on her teammates and having to remain silent on the sidelines.
Being quiet is very hard for the girls yes. We have been told by judges our girls had to be more quiet. If they didn't they would get a deduction. If it would continue after the deduction, they would get disqualified. This was at a rec level.
I wonder exactly what was actually said, if anything. It sounds like a something is getting misinterpreted.
No, it was part of her routine I guess. So you are saying that a girl could get deducted for cheering on her teammates??? How in the world would that even work?? Are the judges sitting at the table and watching the girls on the sidelines and making notes about the ones that are cheerleading?? We actually have contests in our gym leading up to meet days where we give out prizes for the best cheerleaders. I couldn't imagine by daughter and her teammates not cheering on her teammates and having to remain silent on the sidelines.
No, cheer leading by teammates is not deducted in the US. But coaching and giving corrections or verbal cues during the routine is("stay tight" etc), and is applicable to both coach and teammates. But that is 0.2 and only taken after a warning, I have only ever seen warnings given. Don't think that is what happened here.
Being quiet is very hard for the girls yes. We have been told by judges our girls had to be more quiet. If they didn't they would get a deduction. If it would continue after the deduction, they would get disqualified. This was at a rec level.
The announcer at the State Meet yesterday told the crowd that this is not a tennis match, this is gymnastics, and they needed to make some noise for their athletes. And at the Level 10 State Meet, I felt like I was at a football game, there was so much cheering. I can't believe they can actually disqualify or even deduct for cheering their teammates. Sounds like a crabby judge to me. I like it when there's cheering--its not church or a funeral.
And if it is more along the lines of "artistic" interpretation. Not much you can do about a judges "preference" or "bias". Sometimes it works for you sometimes against, depending on the judge.

My kid is a strong dark haired serious gymnast. If the floor judge likes blonde and cute. Won't work for my kid.

You have a judge who isn't into cute tiny blondes. My kid is their girl.

And there is not a lot impact on the actual score if they are equally good.

And I'm not even sure why a coach would stress a kid out about a 0.1 thing that is beyond a kids control. Unless it very specific and can be quickly and easily addressed why would a coach even go there.
No one knows what the judge did or did not say or do. This is an "as told to the parent by the child". This is much like the game "telephone" or "whisper down the lane"
No this was as told to the coach by the judge who then told my daughter...
Again, I know she is your kid. But you are trying to decipher and interpret three people down the lane and ending with a child.

Ask the coach. At least that he/she actually heard what the judge said.
And it was confirmed in our meeting with her coach after states to decide if we should change up her floor routine for regionals or not. So yes it was originally said to my daughter but then confirmed when we brought it up.
And it was confirmed in our meeting with her coach after states to decide if we should change up her floor routine for regionals or not. So yes it was originally said to my daughter but then confirmed when we brought it up.
So then you know what the issue is.........................
Agree that something likely lost in translation between judge/coach or not completely explained correctly by the judege. A judge has up to 0.3 to take for artistry. Losing 0.1 for artistry is not unusual, majority of routines receive some amount of artistry deduction. I can see taking something under "orginality/creativity of choreography in elements/connections 0.05-0.1" but that it got shorthanded to "she looks too much like she is cheerleading". Not here to defend the entire JO system of taking artistry deductions or saying the judge was correct in taking that much, but chances are the judge took artistry deductions on the gymnasts that finish ahead of your daughter, too. Wouldn't ever change a routine over one judges opinion on choregraphy.
No, it was part of her routine I guess. So you are saying that a girl could get deducted for cheering on her teammates??? How in the world would that even work?? Are the judges sitting at the table and watching the girls on the sidelines and making notes about the ones that are cheerleading?? We actually have contests in our gym leading up to meet days where we give out prizes for the best cheerleaders. I couldn't imagine by daughter and her teammates not cheering on her teammates and having to remain silent on the sidelines.
I have also heard that they can do something for cheering being too loud or an irritant to other teams.. but not sure how that all works... Ive only experienced it once and it was bad... but not sure what they did. i think perhaps the coaches were warned..

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