WAG Discussion of abuse in USAG - Nassar

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But coaches should not be alone with gymnasts either. That is basic and other countries do find ways to manage that with elites. I also do not think parents need to be staying at the camps, but gymnasts should never be alone with an unrelated adult there, not matter who they are. Plus when travelling to meets. If the camp was in a more central place it would be easier.

But I have seen that USAG is making travel to the camps better, with gymnasts being greeted at the airport and camp transport. No more driving with the coaches. Though there will be parents that this will be a nightmare for, plus $$$.

That may be what coaches have to do to protect themselves in the future, sadly. In the past, Dominique Dawes lived with her coach. Growing up I stayed at my coach's house when my parents went out of town, and her kids stayed with me and my parents when she and her fam went on vacay. We were like a blended fam. It's sad that this aspect of gymnastics has to die because of a few predatory people that want to ruin it for everyone.
So, to coach a Jr Olympic team, all of those are now required? or just to be on the floor at a usag sanctioned event?

This is all Im finding as a requirement to be a member club:

USA Gymnastics is committed to promoting a safe environment for its members, participants, coaches, officials, volunteers and staff in all gymnastics disciplines.

To register your organization with USA Gymnastics as a Member Club, you must agree to and comply with the following requirements for the entire membership or registration term, certification of which must be made annually upon application or renewal:

  1. Have a policy consistent with USA Gymnastics’ Participant Welfare Policy/Safe Sport Policy that affirms your commitment to the welfare of gymnastics participants in your organization and includes, at minimum,
    – a description of conduct that will not be tolerated,
    – standards of behavior for your staff/volunteers that promote participant welfare,
    • including: elimination of privacy, boundaries if physical contact is a necessary part of the activity and encouraging parental monitoring.
    • Proactive polices to eliminate the opportunity of grooming behaviors
    – and a process for receiving and handling complaints regarding conduct that violates your policy.

    The Safe Sport Policy, formerly known as the Participant Welfare Policy, is part of USA Gymnastics’ safe sport initiatives and incorporates the authority and jurisdiction of the U.S. Center for SafeSport. USA Gymnastics policies and procedures related to misconduct are presently under review, and updates to this policy may be necessary in the near future. Available online at usagym.org/SafeSport,changes are effective immediately unless otherwise noted in the policy.

  2. Not hire or be associated in any way with any person who is permanently ineligible for membership in USA Gymnastics, a list of whom is available at www.usagym.org/ineligible, or any person who is listed on a federal or state sex-offender registry, a search for which may be conducted at www.nsopw.gov.

  3. Maintain current commercial general liability insurance that includes, at minimum, participant liability and participant accident medical insurances.

  4. An owner of private gymnastics facility and/or the managing director of a public/non-profit facility must maintain a current Professional membership with a current Safety, Background and U110 Certification at all times during the club membership.

  5. Have a mission statement consistent with USA Gymnastics' mission to encourage participation and the pursuit of excellence in all aspects of gymnastics.

as i said, the insurance carriers are going to make it a requirement that all coaches in a member club be credentialed. in the end, USAG doesn't drive what happens...the carriers do.
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It really doesn't seem like it is monitored, at least not at every gym in America. Look what some of the people are saying happens still at gyms. Sigh.

it is. and SS has been down there.
long time ago. and no on colorado springs. look to indianapolis.
I wish USAG would go for a full reboot and do training center in Colorado or Southern California near the other OTC's. Too many bad decisions were made in Indianapolis, too. A full fresh start would be good.
I wish USAG would go for a full reboot and do training center in Colorado or Southern California near the other OTC's. Too many bad decisions were made in Indianapolis, too. A full fresh start would be good.

I don't get it when people complain about the camp location…Texas is pretty much the "Hollywood" of elite gymnastics…about as central as you can get.
yep. it's a hot mess.

Unfortunately I think coaches will have to go into overdrive with protecting themselves. All because of a few rotten people. I remember Dominique Dawes saying she lived with her coach in order to train and make the Olympics. That wouldn't be possible these days:(
That may be what coaches have to do to protect themselves in the future, sadly. In the past, Dominique Dawes lived with her coach. Growing up I stayed at my coach's house when my parents went out of town, and her kids stayed with me and my parents when she and her fam went on vacay. We were like a blended fam. It's sad that this aspect of gymnastics has to die because of a few predatory people that want to ruin it for everyone.
It's all sports , check out the USA swim team debacle a few years back.
It's all sports , check out the USA swim team debacle a few years back.
Agreed. And it goes back to when I swam also, which (cough) was more than a few years back. It was just hidden better from the general public, it seems.
This is really sad. The victims should never be blamed. Its good she took it down, but too little too late. Very disappointing. I’m very glad that Aly and Simone spoke up.
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I don't get it when people complain about the camp location…Texas is pretty much the "Hollywood" of elite gymnastics…about as central as you can get.
It's the location in Texas- far removed from actual civilization so the athletes are entirely dependent on personal coaches and national staff. Even if a parent wanted to stay locally, they would be miles away, though I think sometimes they might have limited space for parents during TOPs testing. Just from a safety standpoint, I feel like there would be plenty of better options that are closer to medical facilities in the case of a serious injury.
I don't get it when people complain about the camp location…Texas is pretty much the "Hollywood" of elite gymnastics…about as central as you can get.

Because it’s literally in the middle of a forest, miles and miles from any kind of hospital, medical facility, emergency responders (police, fire, ambulance), public transportation, etc, etc.
This might be better suited for a new thread, but how are your gyms addressing the safe sport rules? Are they addressing them at all? Have any changes been made? Have they even been mentioned?
I appreciate the effort, but the rules aren't going to do any good unless clubs are actually implementing them and I know the club where I work is not. They haven't been mentioned at all, not sure if the owner even knows they exist. She just tells us "Never be alone with a student." I've seen posts from others on here who have indicated their clubs have really gone ahead full force with enforcing the policies which is great, I'm just skeptical about how many gyms are doing anything with them.

My club made it mandatory... we do have multiple gyms and an HR department so most paperwork (CPR, USAG courses, safe sport, background checks etc.) is taken very seriously and you are hounded if it is not turned in! Sometimes especially with older kids (high school age) and practices going late only 1 coach is scheduled to close up, so we have had to enforce either someone staying late with them, or making sure at least one parent is in the viewing area.

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