If parents wont even band together and stop sending their kids to that ranch where they dont even allow parents to stay with their own children, then I guess Im just speaking in the wind, but yuck yuck yuck to paying money to people to abuse your children and if we dont learn anything from this and help the culture, it is an absolute tragedy. If we just sit by and watch these young women who are brave enough to finally speak out and do it on our their own, SHAME ON US. Emotional, Physical and Sexual abuse is being sheltered by this culture and if you want to deny that at this point you just want a win so bad you are beyond reason. This is not normal. 75% of elite athletes are victims of mental abuse.. I know that because I watched the SafeSport training...
I like those British gymnasts refusing to sign that contract, too.. strength in numbers, they all finally feel safe to be honest! How tragic!!! Nobody ever protected them, they all needed to band together!!! Young people are all standing up together, but at the end of the day, PARENTS are the ones financing these monsters and it is time to change this culture and stop allowing people to treat children this way. We didnt know before so there is no blame here except on the monsters that did these things.
But we know now and can no longer just accept it or we are complicit. When you accept abusing your child make no mistake, you're way worse than the actions of any abuser if you willfully give them access. You have no idea what it does to the psyche of a child when winning/(or something else) is more important to their parent than protecting them. It makes the whole world unsafe