Display Routine Theam

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Hi all not sure how many of you are aware of display gymnastics but its pretty big in the uk. its our clubs main focus. It invovled a group of gymnasts ( as many as you want i have seen a few a 6 and as many as 100 on floor) and do a routine to a mix of music normally 6- 8 minutes worth the music can have vocals.

We are entering the world gymnaestrada( the worlds biggest gymnastics event there more participants that the olympics) in 2011 after we enjoyed it so much in 2007 however we need to start the routine now so its ready but we stuck for ideas for a theam this year for our routines for british we are doing prince of egypt and anastasia( the movie) for worlds we want something dramatic but also something fun and orginal

any one any ideas for a theam

oh and if any one wants to know more bout display gymnastics jsut ask


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