fun meets at your gyms.?

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Feb 17, 2010
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hey everyone! i was wondering if my gym was the only gym who did a fun meet every year with only my gym. okay so what we do is our main coach splits up our team into 3 groups andeach group choice a different color. with your color group, you have to make up a march out dance that is about a minute long, and different solutes for each event. and then we have fun awards that our coaches make for us that are gived out. for example of some of the awards.:
last year we had one for the most powerful vault and it was called " rocket socket" 9 idk where the socket came from lol ) and it went to this girl who jsut shoots into the air in her front front vault. and bars was " swingin' like a monkey" and it went to the girll who had the most " fluent" bar routine who made it look just about effertless. beam was " beam queen" and it went to the one with the most personality. and i forget the floor one :p lol and then each team voted at the end for who we think was the best team leader of each group. and the parents of all the girls decide who the awards go to and it is just aton of fun! sorry this is kin of long i was just very curious if any other gym does anything like this. thanks :)
Our old gym did those types of meets where it was just our gym. but they also do "fun meets" that are unsanctioned meets with other gyms coming. Usually its this time of year and its more so gyms can see where their gymnasts are at before the official season starts. There isn't any time restraints so no timers and bell ringers are needed on event, etc. judges are asked to look at the skills done and not so much at the falls etc. Everyone gets ribbons. Their judges cards are envelopes and the judge puts score on envelope and on back of ribbon and places ribbon in envelope. So under a 7.0 gets a white ribbon for the event 7.0 - under 8.0 gets a yellow ribbon, 8.0 to under 9.0 gets a red ribbon, and 9.0 and up gets a blue ribbon. Everyone's AA score is announced from 1st to last and everyone gets a medal. Top 3 places gets the gold, silver, bronze and all others just a generic medal. All love this and it gives the new lower levels a boost of confidence.
Butterfly Meet that we have is a normal meet, but no pressure because it's after Provincials and doesn't count. Though the placings are normal (1st,2nd,3rd,etc.) We have "funner" meets though, One that's in this BEAUTIFUL hotel and everyone has a an amazing time and carpools. It's out of Province so everyone rooms togther so it's cool :) There's another meet that is 3 hours away that everyone says is amazing.

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