Deleted member 18037
With that said, I would think one learns the order of their routine by doing it over and over at gym, and not by having one's parent drill them on it...
At the time my little one had to do this she was 6 and in gym 3 hours a week. And had never competed one meet. They were so little they could barely remember to look at the judge and present. In gym they were focused on specific skills that were not and should not have been worked on at home. Which was as it should be. Getting the order of the routine down. Kinda like they abc song. Easily done at home. And lasts a few weeks. Wouldn’t of mattered long term if it isn’t done. And no harm in doing it. Well except to the parent who suffers through it.
It’s kind of like watching kids play soccer for the first time. You’re lucky if they remember which direction to run if they remember to run at all. And which goal is theirs.