Parents L6 Meet Report

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We drew the last session, started around 7PM Sunday night. The weather was frightful, big Northeaster blowing through. All in all, it was a nice day.

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Vault - 9.000 3rd Place
Bars - 9.250 1st Place
Beam - 9.5000 2nd Place
Floor - 9.1000 1st Place
AA - 36.850 1st Place
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Wow! Great scores! Congratulations on a super successful meet!
She had an awesome meet, congratulations!! Very good bar routine, its so hard to get a nine on bars in level 6!!
She had an awesome meet, congratulations!! Very good bar routine, its so hard to get a nine on bars in level 6!!

Thanks, she won a WOW award for her cast to handstand on bars, but she was most excited about her 3rd place finish on vault. When they called her name, she lit up. I thought she was going to jump through the ceiling.
Wow! Great scores! Congratulations on a super successful meet!

Thanks, the girls all had great spirit. This one was kind of satisfying because her coach told us she might not let her compete because she's missed practice due to a bruised heel. We've learned the hard way to keep her home while she's healing. She's just not responsible enough to not try and do to much and the injuries never heal 100%. This time we followed doctors orders to the letter and kept her home.
Congratulations to DD on a GREAT meet!!!! She is a beautiful & talented gymnast! I'm glad to hear you followed the doctor's orders. Giving an injury proper time to heal is very, very important. Glad the coach let her compete. I understand why coaches make these rules...but sometimes you really need to look at individual circumstances. So happy it all worked out for your DD!
Wow!! Great meet and great scores!!! I LOVE the music you set the video too--she IS a beautiful tiny dancer!!!! I know I have said this before, but she is just AMAZINGLY beautiful, confident and elegant to watch! If there is a gymnast out there that I would want my dd to emulate it would be yours!!! She is just so naturally talented! I love the pics at the end also--looks like she has a great group of girls to do gym with!!!

Comgrats again!!!
Congratulations to DD on a GREAT meet!!!! She is a beautiful & talented gymnast! I'm glad to hear you followed the doctor's orders. Giving an injury proper time to heal is very, very important. Glad the coach let her compete. I understand why coaches make these rules...but sometimes you really need to look at individual circumstances. So happy it all worked out for your DD!

Thanks, that is so nice to hear. It's always a tough call. It's easy enough to let her go and do conditioning or no impact . It just never helps and every time it has set her back, so the decision is easy says two weeks, she stays home for two weeks. I'm glad that they let her compete, she had a great time. She needed a boost after the Vegas meet, and she got it.
What amazing scores! I know I have said this before, but she is just so beautiful to watch. Her leaps are perfection! Congrats!
Wow!! Great meet and great scores!!! I LOVE the music you set the video too--she IS a beautiful tiny dancer!!!! I know I have said this before, but she is just AMAZINGLY beautiful, confident and elegant to watch! If there is a gymnast out there that I would want my dd to emulate it would be yours!!! She is just so naturally talented! I love the pics at the end also--looks like she has a great group of girls to do gym with!!!

Comgrats again!!!

Thanks, I really enjoy making the videos. DD shares them with her friends at school in library and her teachers have been requesting them as well. This group of girls has been together since L4 and they're very close. They work hard and were ecstatic about the team win.
Super meet - she is such a lovely gymnast. The video on vimeo is excellent quality - Is it as easy to do as youtube?
What amazing scores! I know I have said this before, but she is just so beautiful to watch. Her leaps are perfection! Congrats!

Thanks...I never get tired of hearing it:D We're so very proud of her. Even her little brother comes to every meet and never complains:eek: After her first vault, he turns to me and says 'she needs to point her toes'. I just about fell off the the bleacher steps.
Super meet - she is such a lovely gymnast. The video on vimeo is excellent quality - Is it as easy to do as youtube?

Thanks. Yes, vimeo is easy. It has a few more option fields to choose from, but once you get the hang of which options you want, it's a breeze. The download time is twice as fast as youtube.

I find that I get the best quality using quicktime mov. files. Vimeo has a tutorial which tells you exactly how to set the fields for best quality results.
Really wonderful all the way around. Your video abilities are amazing as well. What kind of camera do you use? My hands shake so badly, my kids videos are a mess. I have a level 7 (11yr old) who I am going to show this video too. You DD is so clean and precise. I want Bailey to see how it is supposed to look. Great job!
Really wonderful all the way around. Your video abilities are amazing as well. What kind of camera do you use? My hands shake so badly, my kids videos are a mess. I have a level 7 (11yr old) who I am going to show this video too. You DD is so clean and precise. I want Bailey to see how it is supposed to look. Great job!

Thanks, it's a Sony, I forget which model. It's one of the newer models. Our old camera decided to retire a few months ago. I'm still playing around with the settings. I got the white balance a little better this time around. It's tricky with all the different types of fluorescent lighting in these gyms.

DD has three years of ballet training and her teachers were trained by George Balanchine.
What a wonderful job she did\. \lovely bars. I totally agree with keeping them out of the gym when injured, it doesn't alw2ays fly with the coaches, but in the long run they will not be gymnasts, they'll be adults with issues.

Did little bruv win the money again?
What a wonderful job she did\. \lovely bars. I totally agree with keeping them out of the gym when injured, it doesn't alw2ays fly with the coaches, but in the long run they will not be gymnasts, they'll be adults with issues.

Did little bruv win the money again?

Totally agree Bog.

They didn't have a raffle at this meet. Too bad, DS is saving his money up to buy a speed boat so he can take me fishing:D
Wow. Wow. Wow. !!! She is so gorgeous to watch. Graceful, poised, and she looks like she's pretty relaxed and having fun, to boot. Lucky girl to have talent like this in gym AND dance. Do you have any dance videos of her, BTW? I'd love to see her. I used to do ballet, all the way to toe shoes, & switched to pep squad in high school, but dance is my first love! I just know she'd be beeyoootiful at that as well.

Good job Dad, for being so supportive of her, not pushing too hard, and doing the right thing! :)
Wow. Wow. Wow. !!! She is so gorgeous to watch. Graceful, poised, and she looks like she's pretty relaxed and having fun, to boot. Lucky girl to have talent like this in gym AND dance. Do you have any dance videos of her, BTW? I'd love to see her. I used to do ballet, all the way to toe shoes, & switched to pep squad in high school, but dance is my first love! I just know she'd be beeyoootiful at that as well.

Good job Dad, for being so supportive of her, not pushing too hard, and doing the right thing! :)

Thanks. There was a malfunction with the music on floor. She saluted and stood there and the music didn't start. She waited motionless for about a minute before she smiled at the judges and turned her head to see what was going on, and then waited for about another minute while they got it sorted out. It was about a two minute delay, but it seemed like an eternity. It's pretty amazing how she can stay focused with so many distractions.

DD has a recital this spring. Us parents get to bring our cameras and see what they've been working on. Once a year, that's it. She hasn't been in any performances this year, so I haven't seen her at all. She's happy and loves ballet and I think that she's doing well. We haven't heard anything from them which is usually a good sign that she will be asked to return next year.

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