Parents Let's all move to Texas!!!

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Proud Parent
Add another CB'er to the Texas wagon:)
We found out last week that we will be relocating to the Arlington area. Luckily I found the old Texas thread and was able to get some gym names to look into. Little gymmie's coach doesn't want her taking more then a month off for moving so we will have to find something pretty quickly after getting into town.
Called WOGA but they are all full and suggested she come back when she is ready for level 4. Now she's talking about trying rythmic or acrobatic gymnastics....yeah more ways to get hurt!
Oh!!.....sorry you have to uproot! It's hard, so we'll comiserate as we go!

However, it's nice to have someone on the moving wagon w/ me!

Arlington seemed nice when we drove thru recently. Pulled off the hwy to eat there & found plenty of great restaurants to choose from!

Gym-wise, I hadn't looked in that area, so I don't know what your choices will be. Hope you find what you are looking for!

PM-me any time if you want.. & best of luck.

What is your time-frame? :cool:
That would be so fun to all end up in TX. We are still not sure what we are going to do. The house we live in goes up for auction March 12, so we have to make a decision to either stick it out for another year here or just go for it and move. I am thinking we are going to stay here another year, just because I hate to move to some other state, only to discover we are in the same position we are here.

I think TX has soo many options for gymnasts. Only having USAG here kind of sucks. Not all gymnasts want to practice 5 days a week or are destined for greatness. I was kind of hoping for TX as then my little girl can do gym for as long as she likes, regardless of her talent or meet scores. She is not the best gymnast, but my girl has heart and she LOVES gymnastics and meets. :D

I was also thinking it would be best for me to try to get a job at my old hospital, so then when we do move, I have experience. I haven't worked as an RN for almost 3 years. Yikes.

Good luck in your move and finding a new gym. It is so nice to have experienced Texan gym moms with info on gyms. I love the CB!

We are still deciding between TX and IN. I am rooting for TX as I truly think I would freeze to death in IN. LOL. I like Dallas/FW area, San Antonio as well. Even Austin would be fine. I just need a place with construction work for my hubby.
Good luck, Mariposa! It sounds like you have a lot to think about. Change is hard, but we'll all get through it!

Yes, Texas has a non-USAG competitive program called "TAAF" I think. Not all gyms offer it, but there are quite a few who do.

We will all have to keep each other posted!

Take Care! :)
WOGA would be a VERY long drive from Arlington especially in traffic. Sunbelt or Texas Dreams would be closer . I think Empire is also out that way. You'll love Arlington. My mom lives there and it has many outdoor things to do. Plus you are about half way between Fort Wrth and Dallas making it easy to get to activies in those areas! Good luck!
Move (back) to Texas? No problem!! We LOVED the lone star state!

I started my Family in Kingwood TX (north of Houston) over decade ago, and had to relocate for job/career reasons. It was one of the hardest things we've done as a family. DW and I do plan on returning one day though.

Best of luck with the move. Arlington is B-E-A-utilful. You're gonna love it!
So I started calling gyms and boy howdy was I surprised! Texas Dreams said that little gymmies group practices 12 hours a week!!!!!! (4) 3 hour practices, one of which is nothing but TOPS strength training. I told the lady on the phone that DD is only 7 and she said that was standard for competitive 7 year olds in TX.
I talked to her coaches and it was split, the two who coach her group said go for it and if she doesnt like it find somewhere else, the two HC said no way that she doesnt have the attention span for that kind of training.

Is 12 hours a week to much for a 7 year old?
Depends on the kid, totally. My DD is 6 1/2 and she does 10 hours a week (2 3 hour days and 1 4 hour day). She does fine with that, but they don't do one day of all TOPS. Not sure she would dig that. She could easily add another 3 hour day and be fine. She loves the gym and asks when she can go 5 days a week like the "big girls" (optionals).

You could always try it and see. Maybe with different coaches, expectations, she will do fine. You will know. If the kid that previously LOVED to go to the gym starts not wanting to, feigning injury or illness, etc, then maybe it is too much. I remember her wanting to do TOPS, maybe this will give her an idea of what it takes to go to TOPS camp, etc, and she will either love it or hate it. I know that kids definitely act according to what they are allowed to get away with. Mine pays more attention for some coaches than others, plays around more with some, etc.

As to her coaches opinions, I would probably listen to the advice of the ones that you know truly know her and her personality, work ethic, etc.

I would find a few gyms that she could go try out at/work out with their L4s and see where she likes as well. My DD picked the less competitive gym after being at 2 and though I think she might have done better at the more competitive gym score wise, she loves her current gym and I love it for the most part.

What is her current practice schedule like? How does she do? Does she hate to leave? Is she running out of the gym as fast as she can? Those things tell you a lot as well. Mine has to be dragged out of the gym, though she does much better now that I have threatened to keep her home from practice if she can't get out of there when they are done. LOL.
When we moved to Texas DD was 8 and went from 6 hours a week to 16 hours... It was a hard at first I will tell you, but has worked out to be the best. All you can do is try can always switch gyms..Also don't feel bad to let her miss a day if she needs it. Good luck in what you decide.
I would go visit a few gyms and just sit and watch for an hour or so. There are lots of gyms in this area and from what I have heard/seen most will allow your gymmie to come work out with the team before joining. This way you and your daughter can get a feel for the gym prior to making a decision. Good luck!
Our gym owner told us to try TX Dreams. Our current gym is a Nat'l Team Member gym, and so they recommend the same. But I don't think they realize how much practice time these TX gyms put in. The L7's at TX Dreams go 21.5 hrs a week, and 3 of the days include a 6 to 8 am practice. This would make it very difficult for dd to go to 'regular' school w/ those kind of hours. I think this would only work if dd home-schooled, which I am not planning on at the moment, but I am open to it if the situation called for it & seemed right. We are also looking at 'Top Flight', which does very well at all the levels, and has decent hours & will be the closest to our house. I just want dd to continue to enjoy herself and feel at home at whatever gym she ends up at. We shall see...

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