You likely need to wait for larger meets to have smaller age ranges. Obviously your daughter is not within the most common ages for that level, so meet organizers have to spread the age range of the kids attending to come up with a reasonable sized group. She may not see lots of the younger kids until they come together at states. For example, looking back at my daughter's level 4 year, at States the most common age of 10 year olds were broken into 8 groups, but there were 2 groups for 7 year olds.
I suggest focusing on personal goals and not placement. If you are looking for progress, don't match her scores against other girls, because her progress is only relative to her own scores. Keep in mind also that many girls repeat level 4, so she could be competing against girls that are not only older, but have already done this level, or who practice more hours, or are more naturally physically gifted, or have better coaches, etc, etc. I learned very early on that gymnastics meets are rarely about comparing apples to apples; there are a lot of oranges out there. They try to make it "fair" but it is what it is.
If your daughter stays on the young side as she moves up, you will find that the youngest age group is often the toughest and highest scoring because those kids wouldn't even be at that level if they were not really ready.