WAG Level 7 beam series

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Proud Parent
Aug 6, 2013
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Is BHS BHS allowed in level 7 beam series? I thought it wasn't allowed until level 8.
Totally allowed. They just can't do a C acro skill and BHS is a B so completely fine. You don't see very many of them though. I think there was one I saw at state the year dd was a 7.
I was concerned cuz last year during a mock meet one of our L7's got deducted for bhs bhs. Im not sure what else was in there I just remember that. DD is working on tick tock bhs bhs. Was just wondering if that series was allowed.
My DD competed BHS BHS as her series for L7, no deductions, and will second that it's not very common. She also competed a full in her L7 routine, also not common, but she was moved to L8 mid season w/o a vault so those skills helped her.

Eta: no compositional deductions, I'm sure they found form deductions, lol!
We usually have about one level 7 per year that does bhs, bhs - some with both being step outs, but my dd did bhs step out, bhs two feet straight into her dismount. She added a front walkover to her routine because of the series dismount, though. My older dd also did bhs, bhs series at 7 but both were step outs.

If you do tick tock before the it, you really don't need both back handsprings, unless you are doing it for the two b skills, but you should also have a 180 split jump which would be the second b. Sounds like your dd is a good beam worker!
Couple girls on our team did bhs bhs. Definitely allowed no deductions. Good luck!
Several girls on DDs team do/did BHS-BHS series on beam for L7. It's HCs preferred series. Only ONE girl was allowed to do BWO-BWO and then a separate BHs, all others were pushed towards BHSBHS but were allowed to compete either HSBHS or BWOBHS if the preferred series wasn't strong enough yet...
DD competed BHS-BHS in L7. Preferred connection of our optional coaches. DD does not do BWOs due to previous spondy diagnosis.
We usually have about one level 7 per year that does bhs, bhs - some with both being step outs, but my dd did bhs step out, bhs two feet straight into her dismount. She added a front walkover to her routine because of the series dismount, though. My older dd also did bhs, bhs series at 7 but both were step outs.

If you do tick tock before the it, you really don't need both back handsprings, unless you are doing it for the two b skills, but you should also have a 180 split jump which would be the second b. Sounds like your dd is a good beam worker!

I'm curious about the handspring handspring into the dismount and needing the FWO too. Does a series count for less if it goes into your dismount? I always thought you could do that - series into a dismount and have the world's shortest beam routine ;). My DD gave me the impression that people don't do it cause it's very hard and most 7's just can't do that. What's the rule that required your DD to do the FWO - do you need to add another acro to the routine if you dismount out of the series? Or is it a count of B's or total skills?
I'm curious about the handspring handspring into the dismount and needing the FWO too. Does a series count for less if it goes into your dismount? I always thought you could do that - series into a dismount and have the world's shortest beam routine ;). My DD gave me the impression that people don't do it cause it's very hard and most 7's just can't do that. What's the rule that required your DD to do the FWO - do you need to add another acro to the routine if you dismount out of the series? Or is it a count of B's or total skills?

Probably done in order to add a forward/sideways element. Though, there is no deduction for not having one until level 8.
I'm curious about the handspring handspring into the dismount and needing the FWO too. Does a series count for less if it goes into your dismount? I always thought you could do that - series into a dismount and have the world's shortest beam routine ;). My DD gave me the impression that people don't do it cause it's very hard and most 7's just can't do that. What's the rule that required your DD to do the FWO - do you need to add another acro to the routine if you dismount out of the series? Or is it a count of B's or total skills?

It is a total number of skills (7 for 7 and 8 for 8) and a forward sideward element. She did the exact same routine for 7 and 8 except she did a full twist dismount for 8 but only a layout for 7.
I'm curious about the handspring handspring into the dismount and needing the FWO too. Does a series count for less if it goes into your dismount? I always thought you could do that - series into a dismount and have the world's shortest beam routine ;). My DD gave me the impression that people don't do it cause it's very hard and most 7's just can't do that. What's the rule that required your DD to do the FWO - do you need to add another acro to the routine if you dismount out of the series? Or is it a count of B's or total skills?
Yes I have seen it done. By 2 girls. It isn't common though.
Does L9 need a forward/sideways element? The acro elements Dd is working for L9 are (I think) BHS-BHS-full dismount and a standing back tuck. She will also have the required leaps and turns. Does she miss out on points for not having a roundoff in there for a "side" element?
Does L9 need a forward/sideways element? The acro elements Dd is working for L9 are (I think) BHS-BHS-full dismount and a standing back tuck. She will also have the required leaps and turns. Does she miss out on points for not having a roundoff in there for a "side" element?

Lack of Fwd or Side AND backward skills is a compositional deduction, starting with L8. This is different than a required element. Required elements are worth .5, so big deduction if missing. Compositional deductions are more like .1, so unless dd has a consistent and clean FW/side element, it may not be worth it as their execution deduction can be greater than just leaving the skill out.
What is a BHS BT dismount? Does it count as a series? Mine finds this easier than BWO BHS series......
For now her series will be a tick tock BWO.....she can do an unconnected BHS and then the BHS BT dismount....
just a mom, but as I understand it, the tick tock BWO is her series, the BHS BT dismount counts for flight, so she wouldn't have to do another unconnected BHS (no benefit, just opportunity for form deduction)
Excellent point mom! I must say, they give us moms NO credit!!!
I think that's what my DD was trying to tell me!

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