Parents Level 8 Meets - 2 Down - 6 to go....

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Jan 17, 2008
Reaction score
Today DD had her 2nd Level 8 meet. We are in the 'Great State of Iowa" (as my husband says.. he is from here, I think he had to take a pledge when he was born here.. LOL Sorry Iowans...). DD was so excited, she got to have a photo taken with Shawn Johnson yesterday. She was even more excited today when she got to meet Chow himself - oh AND he HUGGED HER!!!

So to the Meet...

We started on beam again.. this time they did warm up in a different gym, I really like that... I can sit in my own fairy land, dreaming of connected flight and switch leaps with no wobbles.. and guess what?? she had connected flight and a switch leap with no wobbles! Then wobbled on something silly, like a tuck 3/4. But the routine was much better than last week. She had a 8.6 good enought for a 6th place medal!

Onto Floor... a better routine than last week - still needs some cleaning up. but scored a 8.375. Just shy of a placement.

Vault.. She is still doing the 1/2 on 1/2 off.. last week her coach said she was 'blocking past vertical' so he thought about having her just do a FHS for her vault this week. Well things must have gone well doing warm up and he had her do the 1/2 on 1/2 off.. she got a 8.45... that is higher than most FHS she scored last year in L7!!! She was . 05 shy of a medal.. but thrilled with her vault.

Finally, it came down to bars, she needed a 8.075 to qualify for state. She did her pirouette on her first cast and hit her handstand on high bar. giant giant, stuck her flyaway.. I thought she had it... but not so much.. 7.85.

AA 33.275. so close but it is only the 2nd meet of the season. She increased her AA by almost 2 points this week. She is thilled! She went up on all events. AND placed on her favorite event. Along with the joy of meeting Shawn & Chow! She is on cloud 9...

Next meet in 1 week, Saturday afternoon..
How exciting to meet Shawn Johnson and her Coach.
Sounds like her scores are going up.She will rock at the next meet.
Wow to meeting Chow and Shawn, they look like a great team.

As to the 2 point increase from the last meet, holy moly that is amazing, she did a great job there. I have no doubt that she will qualify, just give it time. GLad you are able to notice the improvements.

I also love the warm up in another gym thing, oldest always has it, youngest never does. Oldest's meets are way more relaxing.
Yeah, for your dd, she is improving and that is a great thing! Who cares so much about the meet when you can meet Shawn and Chow, definitely cool!

It will all come together. I am about to post a report about dd's meet and it's sort of the same way. One of these meets she is going to pull it all together, hopefully it will be at States.

To make lemonade, it's good that she is still piecing it altogether, we don't want them to peak too early!

GL next Saturday, my dd is also competing next Sunday, it's sort of a biggie, it's a Sectional and she needs a 32 to qualify to States.
After meeting Shawn Johnson, my DD wouldn't even care about any scores, LOL!! GL next meet!
Beetle is on the way. Pulling the AA score up by 2 points will give her so much confidence for the next meet which I'm sure will be the state qualifying score. Also, what a weekend meeting Shawn and then her coach.

Just a fantastic weekend for her---tell her big high 5s!
How exciting to meet Shawn Johnson and Chow. Wow! I think she did great and I bet she will get that qualifying score next meet. Congrats to her!
Since I cant figure out how to upload video (My computer will not recognize my video camera) here are some photos!


Beetle & Shawn!


Beetle & her Teammate with Chow.
First off luv the pics my dd would love to meet shawn! Your dd did great her scores are improving wonderfully!
Just wanted to comment that I too love the pictures, especially the one with Chow - it looks so much more personal than the one with Shawn.
Just wanted to comment that I too love the pictures, especially the one with Chow - it looks so much more personal than the one with Shawn.

The autograph session with Shawn was quick. In and out, an autograph and a photo. Not a lot of interatction. The girls were still excited. I can understand, Shawn was there from 9 - 2.. I am sure it is hard.

The meeting with Chow was after the meet. He commented on the girls' medals... they were really excited.
When we went to the meet that Blackie's gym hosted Shawn was there with a similiar set up. In quick, get a picture and then out.

A few yrs ago, my dd went to a meet where they had Kerri Strug signing autographs, but what was the coolest was during awards, it was Kerri who handed the girls the ribbons or put the medals on their necks - the girls loved that.

I would of loved to have seen that with Shawn, but I guess she was ultra busy with just signing autographs... Maybe in a couple of yrs and she's not hot off the Olympics. ;)
Overall it sounds like a good meet! She moved up her score considerably and got to have pics taken with Shawn and Chow:D! Great pics by the way - thanks for sharing! I am sure she will get that qualifying score very soon:)! Good luck at the next meet!

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