WAG Level 9 Skills - beam and floor

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My dd competed level 9 last year. She did a yurcheko layout on vault
Bars was - mount to high bar, kip cast hs, clear hip hs, bail, kip cast squat on, jump to high bar, kip cast hs, giant full connected to double back
Floor first pass was double pike, second front lay front lay, third was whip double full. Not sure her jumps and leaps and stuff -- I can't remember all that. I think she did connected 2 popa (?).
Beam she did a bhs-blo. Switch leap connected to back tuck full turn jump combo (beat jump wolf jump maybe?) and a layout full dismount

She seemed to have a higher difficulty on floor than most routines I saw. But I am not up to speed on connections and all that -- I leave that stuff up to the coaches :)
Yes, i meant on floor. The roundoff to 1.5 itself doesn't get anything. If you connect a front salto to it, you can though. C+A is 0.1 bonus, C+B is 0.2 ,so i believe a front tuck or pike Will give 0.1. Front layout is 0.2

Oops! I guess I should have clarified. Yes a roundoff 1.5 on floor isn't considered a connection on floor because connection for bonus only includes hands free skills.

If you punch out of it then it can count as bonus and almost every level 9 has a pass like this in their routine. A tuck out of it is an A skill for .1 bonus. A pike is actually a B skill and so is a front layout so those are both worth .2 in bonus.

I would say the vast majority of level nines do a 1.5 punch front pike in their routine.

Dd and I were just talking about how a 1.5 front layout isn't worth more than the pike. Just nutty.
Level 9 is where you can really see how optionals work, in that routines can be very different from one another. You have a lot more options for variety in L9 than previous levels, so there's not really such a thing as a standard routine...you can essentially do any skill as long as it isn't a disallowed D value. I've tried to show relatively standard options but there are many more skills that you can also do (for example, on beam, a Valdez, a one-arm front handspring, a front tuck to sit). Also what is harder or easier for a given gymnast varies so one gymnast might find it relatively easy to compete, say, a side aerial on beam in her first year of L9, while another gymnast might need to work on the same skill for two years before being able to put it in her routine.

minimum VT: Tsuk or Yurchenko in tuck or pike (9.6 SV for a tuck, 9.7 for a pike)
outstanding VT: Tsuk or Yurchenko layout with great height/technique (10.0)

minimum UB:
Releases: bail or straddle back
Turning elements: HS 1/2 pirouette
Circling elements: clear hip HS, giants
Dismount:layout 1/2 flyaway, layout 1/1 flyaway, or toe on front tuck
outstanding UB:
Releases: bail to and from HS, straddle back to and from HS, Pak salto, hecht from LB to HB
Turning elements: HS 1/2 pirouette, clear hip 1/2, clear hip blind, giant blind
Circling elements: clear hip 1/2, clear hip blind, giant blind, front giant
Dismount: layout flyaway 3/2, layout flyaway 2/1, double back flyaway

minimum BB:
Acro series: BHS-BHS, FHS-BHS
Other acro skills: standing back tuck
Turns: full turn
Leaps/jumps: switch leap + split or straddle jump
Dismount: back tuck 1/2, back layout 1/2, front layout from punch, gainer layout off the side
outstanding BB:
Acro series: BHS-back tuck, BHS-layout
Other acro skills: standing back pike, front aerial, side aerial
Turns: full turn or leg up full turn
Leaps/jumps: switch leap + turning split, straddle, or tuck jump; ring jump
Dismount: back layout 3/2, front layout 1/1 from punch, gainer layout 1/1 off the side

minimum FX:
Two salto pass: front layout or pike+front pike or tuck; front tuck through to back tuck or back layout
Final pass: back 1/1; front salto 1/2 (any shape)
Jumps: switch leap+switch side; switch leap+tour jete 1/2; switch leap or switch side+turning tuck jump
Turns: 3/2 turn
outstanding FX:
Two salto pass: front lay+front lay; front lay+front 1/2 (any shape); front tuck through to back layout 1/1; back whip to back salto; back whip 1/2 to front salto
Final pass: any of the above, or back 1/1
Jumps: switch leap+switch side 1/2; switch leap+tour jete 1/1 or tour jete ring; switch leap or switch side+turning split, pike, or straddle jump
Turns: 2/1 turn; full turn with leg at horizontal

(today was a slow day for me at work...)
Dang, i should say so... You go girl!

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