Lowest Score ever?!

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Getting a low score doesn't mean you don't belong at that level. Sometimes a kid can get stuck on a skill but meets all the other criteria for the routines. In our gym, your score is a measure of what you've learned and what goals need to be accomplished. Sometimes repeating a level is necessary, but what if a child can do a back tuck on the beam, but scores low on vault because they are 45 pounds and 3 feet tall? My daughter fell off the beam 5 times at one meet. She got a 6 something with that. Next meet she nailed the routine and got a 9.7 with no falls. At level 5 she didn't get her kip until last week. The whole gym went wild and celebrated! She has one more chance to qualify for states this weekend. She continually got 7's in her bar routine with no kips. I think that's pretty darn good. I can't wait to see her routine with the kips this weekend! So her all arounds were low arond 31.8 I think. The point is that she knows at 9 years old to set her own personal goals and meet them. Not everyone is going to take first place! She has placed plenty of times on floor and beam and I think our coaches made the right decision moving her up.
Getting a low score doesn't mean you don't belong at that level. Sometimes a kid can get stuck on a skill but meets all the other criteria for the routines. In our gym, your score is a measure of what you've learned and what goals need to be accomplished. Sometimes repeating a level is necessary, but what if a child can do a back tuck on the beam, but scores low on vault because they are 45 pounds and 3 feet tall? My daughter fell off the beam 5 times at one meet. She got a 6 something with that. Next meet she nailed the routine and got a 9.7 with no falls. At level 5 she didn't get her kip until last week. The whole gym went wild and celebrated! She has one more chance to qualify for states this weekend. She continually got 7's in her bar routine with no kips. I think that's pretty darn good. I can't wait to see her routine with the kips this weekend! So her all arounds were low arond 31.8 I think. The point is that she knows at 9 years old to set her own personal goals and meet them. Not everyone is going to take first place! She has placed plenty of times on floor and beam and I think our coaches made the right decision moving her up.

You are totally right. Someone could have just one bad event. Or at one meet just completely mess it up. So if you score high 9s on one event but low 8s on the other are you going to stay in that level for another year? Probably not.
my lowest was a 7.2 in level 7 on beam lol. we were out of state and i was sooooooo tired. i just couldnt seem to stay on that 4 inch thing!!!! lol.
Getting a 1 or something on a bar routine you didn't finish b/c you got hurt is not the same thing! it happened to my friend at level 9 regionals one year. My lowest score ever would be a 7.15 my first meet of level 7. I was so nervous on beam! i fell on my backhandspring and everything was so sloppy!
Wow 9 pages and 84 posts. I didn't think this was going to turn into this much. lol.
My lowest score was on bars during my first meet ever. It was like a 3.6 and all I did was a kip, squat on, couldn't make the kip on the high bar so my coach had to push me up to it, I then attempted a flyaway full, but was not succesful and only made it 3/4 of the way around and landed on my side! I then had an awful meet after that since bars was my first event. I crunched my neck on vault during that meet too. It was a terrible meet. My coach even made a blooper about that routine! How embarassing!:)
i think mine was a 7.4 on both beam and bars at my first meet (lvl 4)
Wow, this is a really sensitive subject! There are definitely parents and coaches out there who move girls up that are not ready. And yes, they all have bad days and bad practices. But if a gymnast is consistently scoring low at each meet, then she is not ready for the level she's at. Otherwise, why score them!? It's like saying that we aren't going to give grades at school anymore and everyone can move on to the next grade whether they are ready or not! It's a tool for evaluating their progress and should be treated as such. The parents are responsible for not placing so much emphasis on the placement at each meet, but rather on their own child achieving her own personal goals which should be showing improvement at each meet. But if a gymnast is scoring 31's or 32's AA or lower at all of her meets, she has no business moving to the next level. It's humiliating and frustrating for her. And parents need to realize that they have to be unconditional in their love and approval and learn when to back off.

No offense, but in school they do move kids up that are getting C's and D's. They get extra help (The equivalent of private lessons.) They can't keep holding them back! Imagine if you had to get A's to go to the next grade! My 12 year old son would still be in kindergarten!
31 is the qualifier for states for some levels. It's at least a mobility score for the rest. Where the compulsory levels are concerned, the idea is to get the basics and get to optionals, which have very little to do with levels 3 and 4, so it seems silly to repeat them. It's also unfair to the "rookies" who are in the first year of a level when you have kids who are on their 2nd or 3rd year at the same level competing together. What is a level 4 state champion anyway? Best back handspring in the state? lol?I don't mean to minimize the accomplishment because it's amazing to set and reach goals, but it seems that some parents invest far more emotion than necessary and lose perspective. It's just a sport. Saying a 9 year old "has no business" getting 31 or 32 AA at a level is ridiculous. Everyone gets something different from this and your daughter wouldn't look nearly as good if there weren't some "slacking 9 year olds" to compare her to so lighten up. Most of us on this board will experience a vast range of scores and I for one am proud of my daughter's 7.8 on bars with 2, not 1 but 2, kips yesterday. And furthermore, I only want her to move up so I don't have to listen to that god-awful floor music for another year .
LOL, Rainee! My DD does not bring home the high scores right now. Her first meet (I posted it here) she got a whopper 5.8 on bars, but she did improve w/each meet and even got a medal on bars once. At L4 states she still came in last place in her age group AA but still got a 4th place for vault. Some events she is better at than others. Our gym believes in getting the girls to the optionals level as quickly as possible, they don't hold back for scores.
bummer about the low scores, but we all have off days, i've never competed but we do mock meets and i think i've done well at them all but i don't know what my score would be if i were in a competition :)
Although i dont compete, I agree with Rainee, everyone has off days and no body is perfect, honestly I think parents (and some coaches) put too much pressure on the kids to be perfect and get those amazing scores and they shouldnt be brought down because they got a super low score. Yeah, the low scores will suck but you have to learn from then and set goals to get better and improve. Its the same with other sports, I play soccer and occasioanlly i will have a horrible game where i am totaly off but that doesnt mean i shouldnt be at the varsity level it just means i wasnt on it. Like i said before there is too much pressure on us kids these days from the adults in our lives and for the girls that compete, when you get low scores you need to learn from it and grow as a gymanst, and some parents need to accept the fact that their kid didnt do so hot, and not blame the coaches because they dont HAVE to teach them, they WANT to and they put in just as much time and effort as you do.
i think kids are being pressured to do well in their meets but at least there are some really great coaches out there that cam coach competitive and rec gymnastics well :)

mine wuz like a 1:mad: cuz i was trying a new vault and i didnt make it to hand stand so i climbed up on the vault and jumped off. then i fell! (but it was like my 2nd compitition evr and i was 6)
in the old nz scoring : 5.4 on beam level 3; i fell of twice and i had a bad competition
in the new scoring : 8.6 level 4;i fell of bar twice and missed 3 core skills

= [
I never did any *real* meets, all ours were practice meets and I swear even if you fell you never got below a 7.5 or something LOL... I may have gotten a couple 7s at my last (and only) meet at level 5. I don't remember it's been so long!

Lowest score was 2.36 on beam (I sucked on beam...and still do) My lowest score got me first...sad isn't it?
Hey! Mine was 5.50 on bars in Level 4! I fell on the front hip, shoot through, and mill circle! But then I got high 8s and 9s on the other events so it made up for it!
I don't really remember my lowest score... I think it was in the 6's. But one guy on my team got a 2.4 on pommel horse
In the Uk it is not unusual to get really low scores especially on bars and beam. I have seen many scores below 3 on bars usually caused by gymnasts missing/ skills which leaves them with less than the required number of skills. This can lead to a 'short routine' deduction (plus all the falls deductions)- I think the b score is then marked out of something like 6. I saw someone fall off beam 6 times last week (she was laughing by the end) That is a 4.8 deduction isn't it straight off. (6 marks deduction next year) Anyone can have a terrible day and do that. Perhaps the deductions are different in USAG - I know scores are out of 10 not a and b scored like here. The scores on youtube certainly vary hugely for USAG routines that look similar to me.
I got a 4.3 on bars at my first meet of level 8 :) I flew over the bar on my shootover (didn't even touch it) and peeled jumping to high bar. It was a beautiful routine :)

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