Parents Meet Update & Video and a Thank You Too :)

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Sep 30, 2008
Reaction score
Hi, everyone!

I wanted to say thank you to those of you that watched Pixie's video and for the sweet comments you made. I had to delete that video, unfortunately. So, I wasn't able to thank you properly.

One True Media was having technical difficulties yesterday and I was unable to download the HD version and before I realized what had happened the LD version appeared on youtube. Since I mostly make these videos for all of Pixie's grandparents, greatgrandparents and aunts and uncles I like to get the best quality on there that I can.

So again, thank you for the sweet replies. You would have to see how they make Pixie's eyes twinkle when she reads them!

Now, on to the meet report :D

The meet was rather strange in that this was not as strong of a meet as her other two, this season. Though, her all around score was the highest yet, lol! Go figure!

On beam she is struggling with her leap. Ever since she almost fell on it in the one meet she has been very tentative with it. You can tell it is affecting the rest of her routine. More bobbles, not making vertical handstand and she basically just cartwheeled off on her dismount. But she fought for the routine. You could tell she wanted it and she didn't give in to the insecurities.

Floor was pretty nice. She did really well with only some minor things and she got a really good score. Something strange happened to her on floor. She got 2nd place but the judge explained after awards that she really had received 1st and the girl they gave 1st to was given a 9 something when she was supposed to have received an 8 something. The girl is a new L4 on Pixie's team so I thought I'd turn the experience into a learning lesson for her.

I explained how one score isn't worth getting upset over and that she has been very fortunate to be getting such great scores this season and also that she left with 1st AA. She had so much fun at the meet and that's what's really important...well, she was so mature about the whole thing and didn't let it bother her at all. In fact, she mentioned how happy the girl was to get 1st place. I thought that was very generous of her. Fast forward to the next gym practice...I picked her up after practice and she said the girl had been taunting her all practice saying "I beat you in the meet!" I asked her what she said to the girl after she said that and she said "nothing." I knew she wouldn't say anything because that's just how she is, super shy.

I'm so proud of her and the way she handled herself. It just showed me what a good person and sport she is and that she can be a gracious winner too!

I think the only issue I have with the whole ordeal is that I think the judges should not have told her about the mix up. They didn't change the scores and since Pixie ended up winning the AA and had already given the girl the medal for floor, I think they thought it best to tleave it as such. There was just no need to tell her about it, in my opinion. Though, I learned a lot about my daughter and am very lucky to be her mom.

Vault seemed okay at the meet but her scores were low comparatively and after making the video I can see she arched both vaults. She said it was becasue they got onto her at gym for flopping like a fish on the landing, lol! So, I think she just over compensated.

Bars looked good to me. She's still working on her cutback in practice and she said she'll do it the right way in the meets when she feels comfortable. All in all a good routine!

She had so much fun with her team mates. She's really starting to come out of her shell. That is what I enjoy seeing the most :)

Beam ~ 9.55
Floor ~ 9.40
Vault ~ 9.25
Bars ~ 9.45

AA ~ 37.65 ~ 1st Place

Thanks again to those who left Pixie such sweet replies!
Here is the new video:

YouTube - ~Trojan Classic~ Pixie's L4 USAG Gymnastics Meet Montage *1st Place AA*

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THose are LOW scores?? Our scores here never reach those levels! Good for Pixie too!! Love her attitude--but I agree, the judges shouldn't have said anything to her.
She did so great!!! and looks beautiful! Congrats on 1st place AA!!!and having a great attitude!
THose are LOW scores?? Our scores here never reach those levels! Good for Pixie too!! Love her attitude--but I agree, the judges shouldn't have said anything to her.

lol! No, not at all! :D
Actually, that was Pixie's highest AA to date. I think I confused you when I said her vault scores were low, comparatively to what she had gotten at the other meets and to what the other girls were getting that night.

Thank you...I love her attitude too! I'm a proud momma :)
Great scores, great meet and a great attitude. The judge shouldn't have said anything, but clearly Pixie is smart enough to use the info wisely. Old beyond her years it seems.

As for the little girl at gym, boy she's going have a rough meet next time, when she gets her real score! Sucks to get over a 9.4 at one meet and then the same routine gets a 8 something at the next, imagine her face. Almost feel sorry for her, almost I said though!!!
Great scores, great meet and a great attitude. The judge shouldn't have said anything, but clearly Pixie is smart enough to use the info wisely. Old beyond her years it seems.

As for the little girl at gym, boy she's going have a rough meet next time, when she gets her real score! Sucks to get over a 9.4 at one meet and then the same routine gets a 8 something at the next, imagine her face. Almost feel sorry for her, almost I said though!!!

Thank you, Bog!

And I had to chuckle at your reply about the other girl! I too will almost feel sorry for her, lol! Okay, I really will. I think the judges didn't handle that situation too well because I thought of that as well. If that girl doesn't score as well, she could really get hurt. Though, I suspect the judges did tell her what happened because I saw them talking to that little girl too. Of course I don't have a way of knowing what they told her for sure.

Thanks for the laugh! :D:p;)
Great job Pixie! Thx for sharing the video. Fun to watch, she did an awesome job! Kudos to you for raising such a mature, balanced kidlet. She handled the situation better than many adults would...

Way to go Pixie 1st AA!!!!! She looked beautiful!Wow bummer on the placement mishap I also feel sorry for that other girl a huge differance in a 8 something routine and 9.4 routine.Last year at a meet where they gave trophy's to the top 3 they accidentally called the wrong name for 3rd pl a girl walked up had the trophy in hand then they told her to give it back that they messed up.I felt so sorry for the girl.Me and some other parents where joking and saying if they call one of our kids for top3 I am grapping the trophy and
Awesome job Pixie! Those are awesome scores and 1st AA, woohoo! I love her attitude! The way she handled the whole situation really shows what a beautiful little girl you have (inside and out). So proud of her! On the other hand, it doens't say very good things about the other little girl who was taunting her (especially if she was informed of the mix up and knew that she really hadn't taken 1st place...very poor sport).
Job very well done!!! The highlight of the vid to me was her floor. What an entrance!!!
Beautiful job Pixie!

Congrats on your 1st place AA...

Nice job mom on the lesson learned, the sport is so much about scores and placements it is nice to remember that all a gymnast can do is perform her best. The Judges or meet officials control the rest, even giving you the correct medal or ribbon. You have one special kid there.

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