Off Topic Migraines!

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Mar 21, 2013
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I've been getting some migraines the past few months. :mad: It's terrible and quite annoying (which is an understatement!). They're the one-side-of-head-pounding and blurry/distorted vision sort. It gets in the way of training (I also only get them at practice..). I've been given medication but it makes my stomach feel queasy and my parents don't like it. Anyone have any advice for dealing with migraines that are "gym-friendly" (i.e. no lying down in a cool dark room)? Thanks. :o
Are you drinking enough water? Maybe a sports drink would be beneficial?
Keeping a regular sleep schedule; waking up at the same time every day. Even on weekends and even if you went to bed late the night before. Keep a journal of what you ate and did the day of your migraine, even adding the info on the day before if you can remember. There are many online sites and apps that offer this feature. This may allow you to identify some food, drink or activity triggers. I have soft cheeses (Brie, white cheddar) as a trigger. Some people have chocolate as a trigger. If the current medication is causing unwanted side effects, ask your doc to try a different brand or type. It may make a difference. My dd gets them, too. She uses ibuprofen and a Triptan. The biggest key is to take your meds as soon as you get a headache to knock it out early. Good luck!
I find that I used to get then after Zumba. I now make sure I eat something before I exercise, plus drink at least a pint of liquid before, plus more during exercise. I also take an ibuprophen before too. Touch wood its working.


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Lol, I an partial to a droped of westcountry zider ( I believe you call it hard cider ), made about 150 pints last year at about 7% . But obviously not alcohol before exercise as it aids dehydration ( afterwards is different) :beer:

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Have you talked to a specialist about them? There are a billion medications (both daily and as needed, though you have to take daily ones daily) and lifestyle tweaks. Electrolytes. Hydration. Some foods.

But a specialist, probably a neurologist, would be way more help than a forum is.
A neurologist? Never thought about seeing one. The family clinic doctor said to take advil and drink Gatorade which wasn't very helpful. I'll talk to my parents about possibly seeing a specialist. Thanks :)
My son just started getting migraines this year. Drinking Gatorade leading up to practice has been one positive. The other thing he does when he feels one coming is drink a smoothie/protein shake. That helped a lot. He takes an ibuprofen with that. We have also just started 2 tbsp of cinnamon a day (throughout and in different formats). This is supposed to help prevent according to a friend who is a holistic nutritionist. We are willing to try anything as D is only 10 and they won't treat them!!!
I'm just going to quote what a bunch of people have said already...make sure that your drinking enough. I hate plain water, but I make myself drink a couple glasses throughout the day to make sure that I don't get dehydrated- headaches like to come around when your dehydrated
In addition to water and ibuprofen, its also helpful to have some caffeine. It dilates the blood vessels in the head and can reduce headaches which is why OTC migraine pills often contain it.
I know I'm late to the party here but I have suffered with debilitating migraines for over 20 years. You need to seek the advice of a specialist. I currently see a neurologist once every 3 months and have been doing so for at least the past 5 years, also the hydration thing, finding your trigger foods (processed meats- hot dogs, lunch meats etc, chocolate, red wine, anything with MSG) the list can go on and on depending on the person. For sure catching the headache and dealing with it right as it comes on rather than trying to get on top of it once its already there.

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