Parents My new meet pet peave....

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Proud Parent
There should be some sort of rule that young children cannot flash the scores. Let's face it, it is easy to make mistakes for adults. At this meet, the bar flasher seemed to be about 9 and made a few mistakes including my dd's score. It was so confusing. We never could figure out who's score was whos. Agree?
Well, not sure I'd blame it on age. I was at a meet where an adult only flashed the score to one side of the gym and she was well over the age of 21! Our gym holds a meet though and we do require flashers to be over 16.
My dd's vault score this past weekend was flashed wrong too - it was the difference between 1st and 2nd place AA. Dd ended on the short end of the stick and took 2nd! It wasn't the first time and I am certain it will not be the last time.... I hate human error!!! :cool:
hahahaha that sounds so funny! sorry do you use the word flashers in the USA - maybe it's not funny to you.

YOu think just like I do, that was my first thought too. I have never heard the word flasher used here for "that' reason, so maybe they don't use it. It just bring those dirty mac images out!
No, we use the word flasher that way too. When my dd was level 4 and it was our home meet and they were looking for parents to be flashers..... I thought what did I get my dd into. haha
No, we use the word flasher that way too. When my dd was level 4 and it was our home meet and they were looking for parents to be flashers..... I thought what did I get my dd into. haha

that sounds even worse!
I totally agree. We were at a meet a few weeks ago and the flashers were about six years old. There were quite a few scores flashed wrong or only shown to the back wall. At my dd's home meets everyone working must be 18 years old.
Thankfully we have computerized score boards at most of the meets. So much nicer. It flashes the gym name, gymnast, event, and the score. I'm sure there are still mistakes with input to the computers (judges do this) but otherwise, much simpler and easy to read.
My DD got her little heart squished by a score being flashed wrong. It was at her 2nd meet, and on beam. She had fallen 2 times at her first meet and gotten a 5 something. So this time, she had stayed on, did her dismount beautifully and still got a 6, but the girl flashed the wrong score at first, a 9.1 and DD was all happy she got a 9, then they fixed it and she was sad. :( Poor little thing. I knew it was an error, but it was hard for her to understand the mistake.

I LOVE the electronic scoreboards, though errors occur there sometimes as well, but I do like them much better.
I agree with you! It also seems like when the littler ones are doing the scores they group together. At this meet there were 4 girls at one table giggling sitting on each others laps.. etc.. I wonder if it is distracting to the judges as well?
Yes it is offputting for judges. I know because my DD has been thoroughly told off by a judge for being distracting. I could see her getting bored but couldn't get to her across the floor to sort her out!
I'm with you on this one. There is one meet we go to each year where this happens, the others are usually electronic. Last year the kids were posting the girls individual numbers instead of their scores and by the time it was noticed, every score had to be shown all over. What a mess!
This happened at my little Monkey's meet a couple of weeks ago. We missed a whole bunch of vault scores and didn't get them till after the meet was over!

At our gym, we've only had 1 meet so far but the kids who were flashers were the older kids (11+) and we read them the riot act before the meet began!
LOL, most of the meets we go to have the electronic signs. This past weekend though they were sooo far back we couldn't even read the numbers...couldn't tell if the 8's were 6's or the other way around. We spent the whole meet calling out to each other in our seats..."did you catch that number?"

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