WAG Nassar arrested

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This whole thing disgusts me. He is a true predator who was allowed to be around children for far too long. I pray for everyone involved.
This whole thing disgusts me. He is a true predator who was allowed to be around children for far too long. I pray for everyone involved.
My DD saw him in August. I am horrified that he had his filthy hands on my Daughter. Even though it appeared normal at the time. We have talked about it a little but I don't want to freak my teen out. Unfortunately no way to know before hand but now really sad and disgusted by the abuse of doctor patient trust. How am I going to get her to trust any physician including her regular one again. My heart is hurt that I put her in harms way while trying to help her with her back pain.
My DD saw him in August. I am horrified that he had his filthy hands on my Daughter. Even though it appeared normal at the time. We have talked about it a little but I don't want to freak my teen out. Unfortunately no way to know before hand but now really sad and disgusted by the abuse of doctor patient trust. How am I going to get her to trust any physician including her regular one again. My heart is hurt that I put her in harms way while trying to help her with her back pain.
Do you feel like your dd was the victim of his abuse by his treatment of her? If so, I am very sorry. Hopefully you can get her the help she needs to move past this.

If you are referring to just being disgusted at the thought of his hands on her in hindsight but he treated your dd appropriately, like what you would expect from a trusted dr (no abuse), then talk with her about it. Most drs are not abusive and even the ones who are, are abusive to only a small number of their patients. But since we don't know the circumstances in which a patient might become a victim, it is important to protect oneself every time - always have a woman in the exam room, if you feel uncomfortable then stop the exam or treatment, if you get bad vibes from a person walk away. People don't trust their instincts enough, especially with drs. It is important particularly for our teens, who are often on their own, to walk away from situations that make them uncomfortable about their personal safety.
So glad that he has been arrested. It seems that the child in this particular case was not a gymnast but a family friend. Unfortunately, according to the press conference just now, he is out on bond as of about an hour ago. It seems that this may be the tip of the iceburg, but I do hope that more charges are filed soon, as I suppose there is the possibility that he might commit suicide like Sharp did, and that would not give the victims and families the closure they deserve.
Mom2-4, I hope that your daughter was not one of his victims, I hope that you just mean that it is appalling that he treated your child. I agree fully with that, as my child was also his patient on a few occasions and I'm just sick. In our case, thankfully, I am confident nothing improper happened, but I am disgusted that we paid money to support his behavior, and even sung his praises in the past. I hope that the gymnastics community can finally stop defending him, and takes a good long look at this situation and rights itself so that it doesn't happen again.
Were you there when he allegedly abused someone? The way you are talking, you know he did it. I always thought you were innocent until proven guilty instead of guilty until proven innocent
Were you there when he allegedly abused someone? The way you are talking, you know he did it. I always thought you were innocent until proven guilty instead of guilty until proven innocent

The court of public opinion is not obligated to follow the same guidelines as a court of law. I think the time for defending this man has long ago passed, if there ever was such a time.
Were you there when he allegedly abused someone? The way you are talking, you know he did it. I always thought you were innocent until proven guilty instead of guilty until proven innocent

Are you defending this guy? or being a legal purist? I'm baffled by your post in light of the many different accusers he has (i.e. not just random gymnasts, or just Olympians) ...
Were you there when he allegedly abused someone? The way you are talking, you know he did it. I always thought you were innocent until proven guilty instead of guilty until proven innocent

It is incredibly rare for a child to falsely accuse, even rarer for multiple children. I think we know the truth here. Apparently he showed the police videos of the abuse, that is kind of telling.
No I am just getting tired of the internet convicting people. There are many, many people who have suffered greatly for along time after being convicted on the internet but not by the courts.
It is incredibly rare for a child to falsely accuse, even rarer for multiple children. I think we know the truth here. Apparently he showed the police videos of the abuse, that is kind of telling.
I know of several cases where the children were led by their interviewers to accuse someone of abuse when it did not happen.
Ask any Family Practice lawyer how many times it happens.
I know of a case in Belle Plaine Mn where several people at a child care facility were accused by numerous children and everyone was condemning the care takers. After they all lost their jobs and more, found out none of it happened.
We have courts to prove folks guilty, it is not the job of the internet.
No I am just getting tired of the internet convicting people. There are many, many people who have suffered greatly for along time after being convicted on the internet but not by the courts.

The internet isn't convicting anyone. The Michigan Attorney General, prosecutor and MSU police, along with the news as reported by multiple sources, have presented facts, by which people are subsequently making personal judgments. Internet or not, I certainly wouldn't feel safe with him around my children after everything that has been reported, not even for one minute.

Perhaps I am just as tired of the internet falsely presuming someone's innocence. There are many, many children who have suffered greatly for a long time after being molested, and even more so if they are not believed, whether or not a court of law ultimately comes up with a conviction.
I know of several cases where the children were led by their interviewers to accuse someone of abuse when it did not happen.
Ask any Family Practice lawyer how many times it happens.
I know of a case in Belle Plaine Mn where several people at a child care facility were accused by numerous children and everyone was condemning the care takers. After they all lost their jobs and more, found out none of it happened.
We have courts to prove folks guilty, it is not the job of the internet.

Many of the accusations were made without the knowledge of the other victims. I find it highly unlikely that multiple people would have the same complaints, even though they were not made public, or even were common knowledge.

I think it is very hard to defend Nassar. He has admitted putting his hands in places that had no medical benefit to the victims. I am sorry I just do not see how so many girls can be "making it up".

People who doubt children are the reason that children's families discourage them from reporting abuse like this. It further victimises the victims.

Yes once in a while there is an outlier, but honestly from what I have heard from people closer to the case, this is not the case.
I get that we have courts to convict people...but some of the response to Nassar's accusation is exactly why victims are reluctant to come forward as they are victimized again by not being believed or the questioning of their account of the abuse....."are you sure he really touched you that way?" etc.....

I think we need to be mindful of the fact that, while he is not alleged to have misbehaved with every kid he saw, there were athletes who were improperly touched (by their own accounts and not in any deposition as yet).....

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