We moved recently to a gym which doesn't have provision for viewing. I still have to wait for my daughter at the premises but I do it in a room away from the gym. This has been a good thing for me for many reasons.
Firstly, it is time that can be genuinely defined as 'spare' and that is as rare as unicorn poo. I get a lot of work done. Granted, I could use it to work out (the facilities are there) but I don't. I could if I wanted, and that feels like enough. It's the thought that counts, so they say..
Secondly, my daughter works better without the distraction of knowing that I am not hawk-eyeing along with the coaches. As I trust them enough to hand over my money and my daughter, I am happy to also trust their care and their coaching. It is paying dividends, she is doing well.
At her previous club, the ability to watch was too compulsive for my weak-will to ignore. As was the compulsion to pass comment. Obviously not during practice, but after. I think sometimes I have been her harshest critic and I am ashamed of myself for that.
I believe the level of crazy gym parent is in direct correlation to the amount of time spent watching and needing to know. Were I a mathematical (or even logical) type, I would construct an equation or Venn diagram to illustrate. Being a Mum is quite simple. Even being a crazy Mum is simpler than being a gym Mum and being a crazy gym mum must be absolutely exhausting. For all concerned!
Not watching means I am able to ask her how her session was and just listen. When she comes out happy (which is mostly), I can be excited with her. On the rare occasion that she isn't happy, I can provide sympathy and comfort. It also means we don't just talk about gym all the way home.
Importantly, not watching has meant that I have a far nicer relationship with the coaches because I am not harbouring unspoken, niggling feelings and thoughts. If I want to ask anything, I just ask and they answer. Who knew it was all this simple?
I am currently working on applying it to as many aspects of my life as possible. Beginning with the housework.