One for the parents, skills you don't want to watch your child perform

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My mom refused to watch me do double backs, codies, and anything landing on the back on trampoline. My dad was cool with all of that, but twisting freaked him out.
My parents always had to leave the building when I did high bar, starting when I learned giants.
My dad thinks any flip is exactly the same, and he seems pretty ok with it. My mom hates the idea that I might do something in which my body is not on the ground all the time...

I once fell on my back handspring during warm up for a comp, and my mom wanted to get out of the watching area to ask if i was ok :D She says that if I do any flip, she might stop the whole competition to get me out of there.
watching beam in general is nerve racking but I hate roundoff dismounts the most.
I can't stand her doing anything without her hands, ie aerials. I think I'm going to have to start popping pills as she gets up in levels (she's only lvl 5 right now)

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