WAG Optional Requirements Out

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So, at the end of the day, if you put a routine together for the new level 6 is not really much more advanced than the new level 5?? I am so confused!
Am I reading it right that level 7 can pirouette on bars, but it is not required?
From what I understand level 7 can pirouette on bars.... but my question for level 8 is.. why is it they are allowed to do double flyaways but not double fulls on floor? or am I reading this wrong!!
I put the old and new side by side and I cannot see any difference between old and new L7 except that 1) new L7 specifies "any number" of the allowable Cs may be incorporated into an UB routine, 2) hecht dismounts are OK on bars, and 3) the floor acro series including three flight elements and the back layout must be directly connected (though just about every L7 routine I've seen this season had a RO-BHS-BLO somewhere in there).

L8's minimum requirements look pretty comparable, but the addition of "one C other than those indicated above may be performed" would seem to make it far more open ended.

I hope that some coaches can enlighten us as to the purpose of new L6. Am I reading it right that a front tuck isn't a special requirement for new 6??? I can't imagine coaches putting together routines without them, given the L7 special requirements. Very interesting!

Boooooo to the continued front handspring vault!
Agree on the vault dissapointment. The flipping vaults in lvl 8 and beyond need a better transition from level 7 rather than just "do it" in level 8. There is a lot going on with the higher level vaults and it takes a lot of time to get them right.
Woohoo...L6 here we come! Our plan is to mobilize our kids to L6 so they don't have to waste time prance...prance...prancing to a 38.5. I value the concept of the compulsory program...just not what it has turned into.

If we were in a more populated area...we may have a different plan...but as it stands right now...we need as much time as possible to train the average kid towards optionals. 38.5's waste much of the time that we could be using to develop a kip cast handstand.
Woohoo...L6 here we come! Our plan is to mobilize our kids to L6 so they don't have to waste time prance...prance...prancing to a 38.5. I value the concept of the compulsory program...just not what it has turned into.

If we were in a more populated area...we may have a different plan...but as it stands right now...we need as much time as possible to train the average kid towards optionals. 38.5's waste much of the time that we could be using to develop a kip cast handstand.

I got the feeling the new L6 was written with JBS in mind, and it's a great change. I think many coaches who want to focus on things that *their* experience tells them should be emphasized will score their kids through to new L6, and use the absence of specific requirements to train kids in the most expedient way they know.

Consider the new 6 to be a "sabbatical year" that can be used to prepare kids for the optional program....... kinda like a "write your own compulsory" level. That makes sense to me, as my view of the compulsory program is that it's too restrictive and demanding for kids training under a capable optional coach. Sure, the compulsory program satisfies some needs, but in no way satisfies everyone's.

Umm... new level 6 has 180 split requirement for beam, but 150 for floor?! Can someone explain that to me?...... wandrewsjr

This may have come about from a process that assigns an event to a particular individual, or group, that is charged with writing up a particular event's requirements. If that's the case, then clearly the beam "author" has a different perspective than the floor author. I don't know if this is what has taken place, but that's kinda what I suspect.
I have a question, so in the optional beam a special requirement is the 180 split jump which I see is a B skill, does that then count toward the required number of B skills needed? 2 in level 7 and 4 in level 8?
Is a giant allowed at the new L6? I don't really know what are A, B, and C skills. If someone could tell what a typical bar routine will look like for new L5, L6, and L7 that would be awesome! Also, on beam I am assuming a CW/RO would still be acceptable in new L7? This is all very confusing to me!
Cartwheel roundoff was my daughter series for level 7 last year

Do you think it will still be acceptable this season for the new L7?

Fear issues with BWO and BHS prevent are holding her back at the moment since no one at our gym has known if the CW/RO will be allowed.
I would think so the RO is the flight element and the cartwheel the acro with or without flight in the series. I really did not see any difference in level 7 except a optional pirouette on bars
Alex has mentioned that before but her coaches tell her that it is really hard to get the connection credit for that series? It would seem easier than the CW since you are not having to turn sideways twice? IDK much about it all but hope that she can get to L7 as she is almost doing a pirouette on bars right now and has a very clean bar routine including giants!
Coaches - what in your opinion would be the easiest bar routine that would have a 10.0 start value under this new L7?
Does anyone know if there are changes to 9? My dd's coach is not very approachable. And when I did ask her, she said it was too early to worry about requirements.
For the Lvl 9 requirements. A little has changed in the difficulty restriction section - looks to be more freedom for dance D/E's on BB and FX. Selected vaults from all groups are available as opposed to only groups 1 - 5. UB special reqts no change. BB special reqts no change; interestingly they specify the time because levels 6 and 7 are less time for BB. No change to FX special reqts.

Hope this helps.
Woohoo...L6 here we come! Our plan is to mobilize our kids to L6 so they don't have to waste time prance...prance...prancing to a 38.5. I value the concept of the compulsory program...just not what it has turned into.

okay. That is a good, valid answer. But... If that was usag's intent with this level, why bother with new L5? Or this big overhaul of the compulsories, at all. Why not just leave the L1 through 5 compulsories similar to the old system, then turn level 6 into the first optional level with similar special requirements to the old compulsory level 6. Ya know?

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