WAG Optional Requirements Out

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The old 8 and new 7 have the same pirouette requirement, but a B release can replace the pirouette, (always has been allowed, so no change).

Not to sound dumb or anything but can you give an example of a B release move?
Not to sound dumb or anything but can you give an example of a B release move?

Well most coaches stay away from them because they are basically teaching the kids to do horrible releases. A bail from a cast to support (can not go to handstand), and straddle back to support, (again cannot go to handstand). there are a few other releases out there, but everyone does the pirouette because teaching a release not to handstand is counter productive. and well,,, a pirouette is a pretty basic necessity and they are not hard. If a child cannot do a pirouette then they probably are not going to be real successful on bars in the future, (i am sure there are a few exceptions out there).
My Lvl 9 this season did a hop-half release on the high bar straight into a shoot-over to the low bar then a pike on leap to the high bar then free-hip HS then double back off. The new reqts are no change for her.
What is the pike leap to the high bar? I've only seen a normal jump to high bar. How do they pike it?

Well most coaches stay away from them because they are basically teaching the kids to do horrible releases. A bail from a cast to support (can not go to handstand), and straddle back to support, (again cannot go to handstand). there are a few other releases out there, but everyone does the pirouette because teaching a release not to handstand is counter productive. and well,,, a pirouette is a pretty basic necessity and they are not hard. If a child cannot do a pirouette then they probably are not going to be real successful on bars in the future, (i am sure there are a few exceptions out there).

We saw a few bails at Level 8 Regionals last weekend. I don't think any of those girls scored particularly well and one of them had a spectactular crash on the skill. I suppose at the new Level 8, one will be permitted to do a bail that starts in handstand but doesn't finish in handstand (a C, correct?).
We saw a few bails at Level 8 Regionals last weekend. I don't think any of those girls scored particularly well and one of them had a spectactular crash on the skill. I suppose at the new Level 8, one will be permitted to do a bail that starts in handstand but doesn't finish in handstand (a C, correct?).

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