If Chellsie's ankle was *that* bad, they'd not have her on bars either. They'd not risk a messy landing on the dismount. This is a TEAM event, not every woman for herself. She is strong on bars, she will benefit the team. I highly doubt the decision is completely hers, either. This isn't about one athlete competing one event, when another may be able to compete more. It is about who can best represent the USA and show what we've got. We have a real good shot at a gold medal here, we have an incredibly solid team. Especially with the difficulty seen in some of the other countries routines, we need someone with Chellsie's experience. She is a former world champion, former world bars champion. She has maturity and experience beyond the majority of her teammates.
Paul Hamm pulled himself out because he sustained another injury and likely wouldn't have been physically capable of putting up a solid performance, him pulling out wasn't as much about "I'll give someone else a chance to shine" as it was about "My performance can't benefit the team right now."
Chellsie's bars routine *can* benefit the team right now. She can still perform it at a world class level even with an injured ankle.
As far as my comments on podium training, I feel bad for the Chinese girls. There's a lot of pressure on them being the home team, and being contenders for the team Gold. From what I saw from podium training, their consistency is just not there. Our ladies were more consistent overall. And as much difficulty as some of the Chinese girls have, that's not going to be very helpful if they fall or have other major screw-ups.