Poll: Straddle or Pike Glide Kip

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Even though I am older (13) and taller 5'6 it seems like I would do straddle but I do pike. It mostly because that's the way my coach learned so that's how we learn, slap I find it easier to make it look pretty
I do pike kip just to start of with but after I do my clear hip I do a straddle kip because it is easier
I do straddle because I am taller. Some people have said pikes are easier, but 1.) I have my kip 2.) Nobody ever spotted me. The coaches don't really spot unless I had severe technical problems, which I never really had.
Since I'm taller I find it easier to straddle but I also like to pike. For castaway kips or kipping out of skills, I pike.
I prefer doing a pike kip out of skills because I don't have very flexible hip flexors and I've pulled them on the straddle before, even if my height makes it a bit more difficult.

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