Pullovers and back hip circles

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So I manged to do my first pullovers last night, though with quite a bit of help-I was awfully proud of myself. However, I was wondering, what is some good conditioning to do so I will be able to do these a little more gracefully sooner rather than later? Also, on my back hip circles, I noticed I am starting to develop the habit of throwing back my head as if to get more momentum that way, and I want to break this before it becomes the norm for me and harder to unlearn. Is there anything you guys do to prevent yourselves from doing that? Thanks a lot!
Well when it comes to pullovers situps will always help. Gaining those ab muscles will also help when you get to your glide kips.
When it come to back hip circles to get momentum you have to bring those casts up strong ( this will also aid in those cast to handstands in the future).
How many cast do you do before going into the BHC because if its like 3 your going you be done with slamming your body around. Try one really strong and high cast and then go for your back hip circle. In addition being aware of the fact that you throw your head back is the first step to perfecting the skll. Practice makes perfect!
If there's a beanbag handy hold it with your chin while doing to back hip circles to keep your head from going back. My favorite is a fat one that keeps gymnasts heads neutral rather than fully tucked to their chest. You could always fold a skinnier one in half though.

As far as strength goes you're going to need abs and arms. Leg lifts, push ups, crunches, sit ups, pull ups, chin ups, continued gymnastics lessons and the act of practicing your pullover itself are all good paths there. Getting it tends to be the hard part. Once you can do it the grace tends to follow shortly after.
Thanks! Ive been having a the same problem but the bean bag helped a lot
but now i hesitate right before i do the bhs
ive tried not thinking about it, but i always freak out and dont go around
(sorry this is a really old thread)
This is pretty much what I've been telling my daughter. She just started to practice the pull over at home yesterday and I can't believe how well she's doing. She doesn't have the strength to do a chin up or pull up yet so she still needs a tiny bit of support nder her lower back but I keep reminding her that all the work she's doing is gonna pay off, it's helping to build up those muscles. When she comes down from the bar I have her lift her head and chest high so that the bar hits in the upper theigh area and then have her do a forward roll and ask that she keeps her arms strong and her legs tight and to make it "controlled" and slow. I figured this too would be helpful in strength building.

Thanks for you advice on this.
My DD (Now a L6) took a LONG time learning her pull over. I had her hang from a bar and do piked leg lifts to strengthen her abs and also her hip flexors in prep for the kip. Also do push ups or chin ups to strenghen the arms. Throwing the head is a common problem in bars. The bean bag approach as suggested in another post is a good idea or you can also put the neck of your leo in your teeth and hold on. While a good pull over is a must for the L4 routine, i wouldn't sweat it too much. My DD still does a horrible pullover, but went to L5 and has wonderful stratight arm kips and now bars is her best event. Good luck.
Well, if you want to do it more graceful than probably your best bet is arm and stomach conditioning. Like push ups (reverse push ups, wide-arm pushups, elbows in pushups, elbows out pushups) or scootches, handstand walks, handstand push ups, and stomach as in butt-ups, toe-touches, hollow rocks, v-ups, tuck-ups, straddle-ups, flutters, scissors, side crutches, etc. It will help a lot on bars. It's all about arms and stomach! I wish you the best of luck and don't get too frustrated! :)

This is pretty much what I've been telling my daughter. She just started to practice the pull over at home yesterday and I can't believe how well she's doing. She doesn't have the strength to do a chin up or pull up yet so she still needs a tiny bit of support nder her lower back but I keep reminding her that all the work she's doing is gonna pay off, it's helping to build up those muscles. When she comes down from the bar I have her lift her head and chest high so that the bar hits in the upper theigh area and then have her do a forward roll and ask that she keeps her arms strong and her legs tight and to make it "controlled" and slow. I figured this too would be helpful in strength building.

Thanks for you advice on this.

Just wanted to post about this...When she went to her class on Friday, She totally rocked! She did her pull over...over and over again!! We were both beaming! Now we can just improve on it :)

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