Trifecta complete! Puma Jr is USAIGC 11 yr old Bronze Uneven Bars State, Regional and World Champ! (This is the part where I say yes I know USAIGC isn’t as competitive as JO and yes it’s a little crazy it’s called “Worlds” lol...but I’m still super happy for her! )She also is 2nd on beam. Who knew?! Lol She pulled her best beam routine of her life out at the right time. Her Bronze sessions went great actually (AA, then top 15 of 42 made Event Finals and competed again the next day in the events they qualified for. She had her best Bronze floor of the season AND was almost made Vault EF, tying for 16th place. Yeah running coach!! She was fifth AA. The Silver AA session went well, she did not have a good Silver bar routine for her, but it was good enough to tie for third and make EF. And her Silver floor was awesome! 9.175 for 14th place, they took the top 12 (of 37) to EF and two tied for 12th so they took them both. I think first kid to not get into EF on your “bonus event” is pretty awesome! But Silver EF....uggg...the magic had to end. She fell on the squat on. Totally uncharacteristic. Some friends pointed out that she actually kind of saved it? (I have video) Like she somehow still caught the bar, but either way, it was an awful routine and dropped her to fifth

The winner was an 8.875, which she has beaten every time except the one tragic learning how to fuel for two sessions meet. So 7 of 8 times. Her score from her sub-par AA routine would have even won. But, this is how this crazy sport goes! I’m still super proud of her and her awesome season! We celebrated at Disney and are now en route home. Thanks as always for following the adventures of Puma Jr!