Score this routine

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Proud Parent
Mar 20, 2009
Reaction score
Trying to figure out how to embed a video so I thought....

Just for fun I would put up a video of my dd practicing her bar routine this past August to see where her score might fall based on it. She did an extra tap swing before the dismount and when I asked her why she said the obvious answer "I don't know". lol! Anyway, what would her score be and what things should she be working on. She has a meet in 2 weeks. Thanks!!

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Ok, it did not work but here is a link. Not sure how to embed yet but will try again sometime.
I don't know enough about how scoring works to be precise. But I thought she looked smooth, and did not "struggle" on any of the elements. So, I would guess that would earn her at least an 8.0.

Looked good to me (and my untrained eye)!
I am not a coach and am pretty new to gymnastics. so my comments may or may not be valid. I am just trying to be helpful. My dd did Level 5 last year. From looking at your DD she looks very good for being this early in the season. I think her arms could be a little straighter, legs tighter together and more fluid connections. I'd probably give her in the mid 8s.

But I've attached my dd's bar routine at states May this year. She got a 9.5. There were girls who got 9.8s.

YouTube - level 5 Bar routine

Hope it helps.
Here goes. Bent arms on kips, doesn't look like she's casting high enough, legs look "loose" and there is some seperation(not alot).
So, keep the legs tight and together.
My score: 7.8
The score is going to depends on a lot of factors, as awesome as it would be and you think it should be this way scoring is not universal, my guess would be somewhere in the high 7's. The problems I see is a lot of bent arms, and leg seperation and of course as you mentioned the extra tap swing, if she just tightens it up and keeps those arms straight and legs together it would be terrific!
It is hard to tell viewing from the front. Other than what were pointed out, this routine lacks flow and power. At an easier average meet, that is probably in the ball park of high 7s low 8s.
I was also thinking around an 8.0 based on what I have seen on youtube and on CB. Last season she competed 2 meets before she was able to connect the kip with the front hip or the cast on high bar and scored 7.8 and 8.0 at those meets. Both of these meets were Invitationals so that may have something to to with it. Here is a link to one of those meets which scored 8.0.
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My dd did Level 5 last year too so I've seen a lot of L5 bar routines. In addition to all the little stuff like legs together and tighter, knees, elbows, she needs to work on her casts, especially the high bar cast. They need to be at least horizontal. The tap swings also need to be higher.

Dancengym, I couldn't see your video, but a search of youtube should turn up some great L5 routines. Try kevchriswilli on Youtube. Her dd scored a 9.9 on at least one L5 routine.
I judged it as a 7.5 based on a lot of the same things mentioned above (but as I've learned in another thread, as a R5 judge I might be a little harder). The thing to remember is a few of those deductions are leg seperation, which could be undetectable from a typical judging side view. On the flip side, body position is hard to see from the front so there could be some additional deductions there.

On the right track for August for sure!! Good luck:)
Dancengym, I couldn't see your video, but a search of youtube should turn up some great L5 routines. Try kevchriswilli on Youtube. Her dd scored a 9.9 on at least one L5 routine.

Megley, I had second thoughts on posting the video, so I took it off. But thanks for refering us to kevchriswilli. I checked out the site. I thought my dd did pretty well on her bar routine but I would also not say she deserved (though I wished it was higher of course) higher. I just did not know how or what she needed to do to get a higher score. Looking at the 9.9 bar routine on kevchriswilli, it all made sense. The gymnast cast higher and had a little more power. :)
Megley, I had second thoughts on posting the video, so I took it off. But thanks for refering us to kevchriswilli. I checked out the site. I thought my dd did pretty well on her bar routine but I would also not say she deserved (though I wished it was higher of course) higher. I just did not know how or what she needed to do to get a higher score. Looking at the 9.9 bar routine on kevchriswilli, it all made sense. The gymnast cast higher and had a little more power. :)

9.5 is a terrific score for L5 bars, though. I'm sure your dd's routine was great. My dd repeated L5 last year and her bars scores went way up when she started to cast well above horizontal. Honestly think the judges award points for that even though it supposedely isn't required.

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