Shayla Worley Travel Donations

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Jul 12, 2007
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I ran across this ad that Shayla Worley's mom had posted. Their family is trying to raise funds for a trip to Beijing if Shayla makes the Olympic team. Shayla is not one of my personal faves to go - although I think she is a wonderful gymnast - but I was moved by how the fam was trying to maintain the integrity of her NCAA eligibility, and wanted to post. I sent a small donation:)

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Wow! That's a lot of money! Of course they would want to be there to see her! I sent a small donation! Go USA!
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I'd donate something if my allowance was bigger. Dang that is seriously so much money I couldn't even imagine.
NCAA will not allow the athlete to solicit donations for themselves. In otherwords, they can't be sponsored. Says nothing about the family soliciting donations so they can go watch. Refinancing a home to pay for a trip seems like a bit much, but I doubt NCAA would mind.
Refinancing does seem extreme but then again, how many times do you get to see your kid in the Olympics?
Refinancing does seem extreme but then again, how many times do you get to see your kid in the Olympics?


But holy cow!!:eek: makes me glad dd has no Olympic aspirations ;)

So what happens if they raise the money and she doesnt get selected?? Do they refund the money??
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But holy cow!!:eek: makes me glad dd has no Olympic aspirations ;)

So what happens if they raise the money and she doesnt get selected?? Do they refund the money??

she has really created quite a stir among the online community, mostly because of the question "what if she is not on the team".

She also has a video up on youtube: YouTube - Shayla Request Pledges

I'm not really sure where I stand, I do think it's kind of wierd to ask for money, especially that much money and to pay for the whole family! :eek:

You would think that they could have been putting away a little bit of money each week for the past couple of years just in case. It's not like they have suddenly realised she has a chance of being on the team..... :confused: I dunno.....
I agree with all of you, but here's something to think about. Up until 2004 the USAG and USOC would pay for at least 2 members of the family to go to the olympics (hotel, air and tickets). In 2004 they only paid for certain things, I believe it was only tickets to the events. Most of these families were just (in the last month) told that they would have to pay for this on their own and no help will be given. They MAY or MAYNOT get tickets from the USOC and that depends entirely on China. So now the parents have to figure this out.

I agree in saying why start not when she is not on the team. Why not wait until she is officially announced on the team. Why, because the girls team is not officialy choosen until July 20th (they leave for China the next day). That would leave the parents about 3 weeks to get the money needed to go, visa's, travel arrangements, it just wouldn't happen. Do I agree that all 6 of them need to go, no I don't. As bad as it sounds, I know her sister and brother and extended family have all helped out and scaraficed for this, but should they ask for money above and beyond mom and dad and maybe her older sister no. I don't think they should.

That all being said, I just found out that the USAG will only allow one personal coach to go to China. Shayla has two. More than likely Orlando Metro will have to come up with the money to send her female coach as well ( I believe her name is Christina). I don't know if they have prepared ahead of time, but that is something to think of as well. That each gymnast can only bring (USAG will only pay for) one personal coach, and most of these girls have two. Its just a big mess.

My thought is that the USOC should pay for 2 people to accompany any olympian (meaning parents, grandparents, etc). That should cover hotel, air, transprotation, tickets, etc). The USOC has the money to do so, but will not be spending it on the people it should, THE ATHLETES.

Oh and to end my rant, Shayla is pretty much a lock. That is unless she gets injured. I really don't see her being left off the team. Go Shayla!
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I agree, jasmine. I think asking for donations to send that many people is not right. I do think both her parents should be able to go, though, and I don't understand why the powers that be cannot send at least one. And they're not paying for both coaches? What's up with that??? It seems reasonable to me that they should pay for up to two coaches and two parents (grandparents, etc). I don't think that's too much to ask for to support our athletes in representing our country in the biggest competition of their lives.
I also have to say I was a little put off by the request. Its alot asking people to send money so the whole family can go and they were not all that specific about how much it would really cost(just general numbers). Also, as others mentioned, no statement about what they do if Shayla does not go. Just sending checks back to people could take quite awhile.

I would think their 1st request would have been made through their gym(Orlando Metro) which is a big operation. Heck, their booster club has its own seperate website!

As to 2 coaches per girl, I can see arguments pro/con. If they paid for 2 coaches per gymnast and assuming each brought 2 coaches, you'd have alot more coaches than girls(factor in the national staff that will go). Of course, if you do it for the girls, then have to offer it for the guys. The Olympics could end up looking like a coaching convention.
how much money would it cost? why doesn't the gym hold a fundraiser???
Here's the video that was mentioned before:


If she can get donations/sponsors, more power to her. Maybe some of you guys would like to donate towards a house for my family.:rolleyes:
I see a working class family, hard working gymnast that has overcome a long journey to get to this point. Spent thousands all ready for training, travel & I am certain many missed competitions. 60k is not such a ridiculous amount these days IMO, I have no issue with her trying to solicit the funds. I believe that we should all try to be there in one's time of need. If Shayla does not make it, hopefully they will put it toward a college fund, or maybe they will donate it. Either way, I figure every little bit helps... I wish them the best of luck, and hope the WHOLE family gets to be there:)
I hope they are able to raise the money to go, but I also hope that if for some reason she gets injured or doesn't make the team, that they would refund the money to all that donated. Only seems right to me.
I think if people choose to donate that is great and their own choice, if they would like to see it happen and the family won't be able to go otherwise, then might as well match everyone up. I would assume if she doesn't make it, they will refund the money or donate it to charity, but if people give it under no stipulations then hopefully they are aware of the fact that selection hasn't happened yet so that's a possibility. They would probably get more if they specified what would happen to it if she doesn't make it.
Shayla's gonna be there. And if shes not ill be mad. haha i would donate to her but I'm saving up for a cell phone with a full keyboard. Sorry Shay

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