DD's Level 4 team is training kips now, because our next meet isn't until June. Kips can take a long time to get, and going into level 5 without a kip pretty much guarantees that the fall meets will be done without the skill (for most of them). Our girls are not as strong on bars as they are on beam and floor for some reason, so bars is always the last event for the girls to really "get". Our HC makes decisions on an individual bases, in the weeks leading up to a meet. We have 2 girls in our level 4 group who had to compete level 3 again this season because they weren't ready for level 4 competition when the time came. They still train with level 4, and they are getting their level 4 skills slowly, but in the weeks before a meet they will practice to compete level 3. The same thing happens with level 5 - a group will move to level 5 based on them having most of the skills, but if in the weeks leading up to the first meet the HC judges that a particular girl just won't have enough of the skills to successfully compete them, she will compete level 4 again that year while also training level 5. The HC will let an otherwise strong gymnast compete a level if she needs a minor spot or is inconsistent with maybe just one skill e.g. we have a really strong gymnast who had suddenly grown tall and lanky and who was having real issues with the BHS and was terrified of falling on her head - she was spotted and was willing to take the spotting deduction. She still did very well on floor because the rest of the routine was almost perfect (she does ballet and is so graceful and almost perfect in her floor routine except for the BHS). Now when it comes to the kips, I would think that a level 5 routine is almost nothing without them, so I don't see the point on trying to compete them unless you only need a finger spot or something and are willing to take the deduction. To me it's better than scratching the event, because you still get the practice trying to compete the event, and you just need very minor help with part of it. I can also see gymnasts who are strong in the other events wanting to compete them and not have to drop back down to the level underneath just because of a kip - in fact, if they are strong gymnasts who did well in level 4, it's almost unfair to compete them there again when they have great level 5 routines except for the kip - it makes it unfair for the new level 4s competing against girls who really should be doing level 5. This is one of those areas that I really think should be decided on an individual basis if possible (though maybe for big gyms this is too difficult?).