I can see the value in competing these lower compulsory levels provided the gyms don't get too hung up on the scores and over scheduling the meets. Before we switched gyms (mid-season), our old gym had a rule that the girls had to earn two scores of 38 or above to move up from new level 1! It's that kind of stuff that makes the parents crazy when the kids are 6 years old and in these low compulsory levels. Our old coach tried to tell the parents that it is not uncommon for kids to repeat levels. Sure, it's common--at new level 3 and up. But what's the point of repeating levels 1 and 2?! Darn right that's why kids get bored and drop out! Hilariously, the highest scoring kid on our old level one team who was 9 years old can't even do a backbend kick over yet, but she gets to move up! And the 6/7 year olds who are lacking in perfect form, but can do back walkovers and back handsprings (several of them can) will be repeating level one just to make the gym look good. Whatever! And I know this isn't the only gym that operates this way. Sorry for the rant, OP! Thank goodness for this message board!