WAG Stick landings

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Proud Parent
Apr 20, 2016
Reaction score
Hi, I was wondering if someone can educate me on the scoring/deductions of landings, like is there a difference between a step forward vs backward, big step vs small step, hop with two feet vs step, etc. Another question is landing with feet apart and squat. Our coaches were always very adamant about landing with feet together and very small knee bend, but as I watch some stuck landings (especially in NCAA), I see feet apart and squat (not super deep but still a squat vs just a knee bend) for stuck landings. Do they count as stick or deductions? Thanks.
For NCAA is they stick with their feet apart and then pull them together, it’s no deduction. For JO, I honestly do not know.
Hopefully someone who knows more will chime in -- I am more up on the men's side and it's been a while since I looked at the JO Code. Forward/backward makes no difference, but the size of the hop/step will determine whether it's .1 or .3. I believe feet more than shoulder width apart incurs a deduction. On the men's side, they're more concerned about chest position on landing than how much the knees absorb the landing, but for a stretched salto, it should be clear that the position is correct before the landing and the athlete isn't piking down.
Hopefully someone who knows more will chime in -- I am more up on the men's side and it's been a while since I looked at the JO Code. Forward/backward makes no difference, but the size of the hop/step will determine whether it's .1 or .3. I believe feet more than shoulder width apart incurs a deduction. On the men's side, they're more concerned about chest position on landing than how much the knees absorb the landing, but for a stretched salto, it should be clear that the position is correct before the landing and the athlete isn't piking down.
So what I am reading here is the smallest step/hop would incur at least a .1. That's pretty significant deduction! A deduction of .3 would be devastating!

Do you learn to stick as part of the landing skill or are there drills just for landings? I am curious about the lower knees too if anybody knows, because it would obviously help steady the landing. The girls at our gym bend their knees very little and I always wonder if it is a rule or if it is just our gym.

Well, I can tell you that the boys work on it, but there's an incentive due to the stick bonus. And at the upper levels, again, emphasis is more on chest position. Biomechanically, landing with straight or nearly straight knees seems like a bad idea, but I'm not a coach, so hopefully someone who knows better can weigh in.
I have no idea about JO and NCAA but in FIG, you have to land with feet together (0.1 to 0.3) and in a relatively upright position (0.1 to 0.5). In both cases, the guidelines for deductions are relatively clear and can be found in the code. It applies to all apparatus including floor (no lunge allowed).

There has been a debate going on for quite some time because it is not biomechanically efficient and it can cause injury, both acute and long term. The MAG system (feet apart, with a bit of a deeper squat) is generally considered much better for the body. It also makes it easier to stick, although - arguably - less aesthetically pleasing.

For instance, see here : https://shiftmovementscience.com/why-gymnasts-must-change-how-they-land/
I know there’s a .1 deduction for tiny steps/hops in any direction upon landing (my kids bar score generally depends on how many steps she decided to take after landing ) - our gym has two judges as coaches and they told the girls they can’t land in a squat, it needs to be with a tiny bend but mostly straight. Except back handsprings - those need to land with straight legs and arms.
I genuinely think aesthetics has won out over what is actually good for the joints and bones but it’s like fighting a losing battle. I notice the boys have an easier time with their landing shapes (not so ridged)
Ok, well, I guess it is feet together and tiny knee bending. Hoping that was something that could help with sticking the landing, but no such luck.
Ok, well, I guess it is feet together and tiny knee bending. Hoping that was something that could help with sticking the landing, but no such luck.
Our girls don’t have to have feet together - it’s a max of shoulder width apart I believe
I am curios to something as well, I'll see if anyone here can answer it. If a girl falls to her knees on say a bar dismount and then both hands touch the mat after the knees, is that more of a deduction than just the .5 for the fall?
No. She could basically roll on her belly to the end of the gym, it would still be a fall and nothing else.
That's too funny.. now all i can picture when a girl falls is her rolling across the floor! hee hee! I don't know who told me that if they touch with their hands that its more of a deduction.. Thanks for the info
I just pictured this happening in my head.

**Girl does flyaway, falls forward and knees touch the ground. Girl is dissapointed and dramatically falls to belly and starts rolling across the gym out the front door....gym watches in confused silence**

That is a instagram video that would go viral.
I just pictured this happening in my head.

**Girl does flyaway, falls forward and knees touch the ground. Girl is dissapointed and dramatically falls to belly and starts rolling across the gym out the front door....gym watches in confused silence**

That is a instagram video that would go viral.
I am dying! That is hilarious! You know that song "on top of spaghetti" ... rolled off the table and on to the floor... LOL!

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