Kiwi: Yes, I'm sure that many coaches do not know it, but the good ones do.
Okie: We have a similar situation. The coaches walk around and help different kids during stretching when they see it is needed, but can't address individual needs much at that time. But they talk with the parents after class and offer stretches to do at home, geared to the particular child. Right now, my daughter is very tight in the shoulders, despite getting amazingly flexible in straddle and splits over the last year. Being a physician, I'm on top of this issue and working on it with the coaches, but at the same time being careful not to be one those interfering parents who tell the coaches what to do. All and all, I'm not concerned yet, because she's making progress in the shoulder flexibility, and since she still will be preteam next year, she won't have the least flexible shoulders of the group.