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Anybody have experience putting up chain link fences? Can it be cheaply and effectively done as a DIY-job?

This may sound lame...but have you checked youtube? I learned how to fix my in ground sprinkler system valves, wires, and heads, and how to convert to drip systems from there. I love the internets!

I am the proud owner of a 12 week old German Shepard Mix puppy named Rookie from our local shelter. We lost our fox terrier Sarge in February and DH saw the newborn litter at the shelter a few days later. We were planning on waiting but I also said we would know when we saw a dog we needed. I forgot what puppy time was like. I haven't slept a complete night since we brought her home!

Awwww great story :) I feel you on the puppy-up-all-night pain! They need to go to the bathroom so often and they nap rather than actually sleep!

Also I found a name for my puppy, and it was so obvious I felt kinda dumb after! Our first dog is named 'Annakin' with 2 n's as a nod to her kennel name 'Anne'. We wanted a change she would still answer to and are also huge Star Wars nerds! I was watching the season finale of Clone Wars again and was like 'OMG PUPPIES NAME IS AHSOKA!' It is perfect for 3 reasons: Ahsoka is Anakins apprentice in the series, as she is Annakins puppy apprentice now. She has crazy awesome facial markings like my puppy, and she's also an independent thinker, kind hearted, fearsome when need be, and loyal unto the point of self sacrifice which are also characteristics of Great Pyrenees. Perfect!

This is a video of their namesakes, there's music but also great series quotes mixed in

Ahsoka got self owned at Petco today, nothing was hurt though...not even her pride lol. She just trotted off tail in the sky! We put her on the bottom level of a cat tower to get her off the floor where someones huge puppy kept slamming into her trying to play while I looked for a portable water bowl. I started filming once I saw she actually liked the toy attached, but I didn't see the end coming!

I just watched this video called 'Dogs: Decoded' by Nova from 2010. It was a documentary on cognitive and behavioral scientists, psychologists, geneticists, archeologists, and anthropologists around the world exploring humans relationship with dogs. Their studies showed that dogs ability from 6 weeks old to read human emotions, interpret human gestures, and species specific vocal variants makes them born bilingual which is pretty interesting. It also makes them unique in all the world, not even chimps can universally interpret and follow gestures as dogs can. That cross species cooperative ability means they don't just interact with us like other animals do, they communicate. We are very good at understanding them too. Wolves don't have the same vocalization range of dogs. When different sounds of dogs were recorded and played back to humans for guessing what they mean, the people understood the meanings very well by sound alone.

The geneticists information was really interesting as well. They were trying to nail down whether a dogs demeanor and communicative abilities is nature vs nurture thing. A group of 5 scientists first raised puppies, then they were given days old wolf cubs to raise. Turns out dogs aren't just a nicer version of wolves. Wolves are unchangeable through nurture, they are hardwired to be the way they are. To further look at this, they studied a smaller animal at a research facility in Russia, the silver fox. They started breeding the most aggressive and the least aggressive ones as separate groups back in 1959. The tamer ones showed appreciable differences in temperament by the 3rd generation, by the 8th they considered fully domesticated. The scientists found that when you select against aggression, you are favoring a huge amount of physical variation. The foxes started showing different colored coats, spots, ears that were sometimes floppy, tails that were curly or different lengths than their aggressive counterparts who had remained unchanged. To further test nature vs nurture, they fostered out the domesticated fox cubs to aggressive mothers, and vice versa. The mothers behavior didn't change the nature of the cubs. They even took it a step further and implanted embryos of aggressive cubs into domesticated mothers, and the results were the same: cubs unchanged. Pretty cool video, it's on Netflix and available to watch instantly.

From left to right: my brother, my parents' dog (Lucy), me, and Darwin.
So... a bit more of Darwin's past has come to light.

A little while ago, I dropped a glove behind the washing machine. I couldn't fit my arm in far enough to reach it, so I went and grabbed a wooden dowel rod. The instant Darwin saw the rod, he drooped his head, tucked his tail between his legs, and cowered trembling in the corner.

I'll tell you what: the pathetic excuses for human beings who used to own this dog better spend the rest of their miserable existence praying I never find out who they are.
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So... a bit more of Darwin's past has come to light.

A little while ago, I dropped a glove behind the washing machine. I couldn't fit my arm in far enough to reach it, so I went and grabbed a wooden dowel rod. The instant Darwin saw the rod, he drooped his head, tucked his tail between his legs, and cowered trembling in the corner.

I'll tell you what: the pathetic excuses for human beings who used to own this dog better spend the rest of their miserable existence praying I never find out who they are.
poor Darwin!! At least he is loved now...

our little guy came to us as a dog that had seen abuse, too, and had been left abandoned-we guess from someone who had their house foreclosed on and when they moved out left him behind. He still has a hard time around new people and he's not real keen on men. When my dh walks into the house, Lucky will still pee if he's caught by surprise, and my dh has never even raised his voice to that dog!!!

I agree with you...animal beaters are the lowest form of scum that exists...
Darwin's response makes me so mad!!!! He has such a sweet face. Who could hurt him????

We have a beagle named Emma. She and another beagle showed up at my dad's farm several years ago, running around. At some point, the other beagle got hit by a car so as soon as Emma got close enough, Daddy trapped her in his yard. She was very distrustful of men and they had three large dogs. I was recently divorced and thought she would be nice company.

She has been the best thing for us. She came crate and potty trained. She sits on command and has a special dance for when she needs to go outside. If Bella goes out to play, Emma scratches at the door and whines until I let her go out. She "watches" Bella for me. If someone comes to the yard, Bella barks until I come out. Of course, that doesn't make the mailman real happy. And when I ask if she wants to go for a ride..... oh baby!!!!

I highly recommend beagles as a breed. Emma is such a gentle soul... so appreciative of any affection. She has learned to trust and will lie across my father's lap to get her bella scratched. Love love love my Emma Jean.
Your dog is precious. Very cute boxer. I have a pug. We used to have a St. Bernard so it was kinda weird going from such a big dog to a small dog. Our St. Bernard's name was Sebastian and our pugs name is Bella.
Your dog is precious. Very cute boxer. I have a pug. We used to have a St. Bernard so it was kinda weird going from such a big dog to a small dog. Our St. Bernard's name was Sebastian and our pugs name is Bella.

So it is probably safe to say that Bella barks at your house^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^lol
Poor Darwin. Happier than ever he found a great home! He's going to learn to be joyful with you, and short of a kid doing the same there is nothing better!
GT did you get your fence? Try Craigslidt, sometimes people sell their used fences when they move, especially if you live near any military installations
I got an invisible fence. Success with it has been... mixed. Generally he'll stay within the boundaries, but on at least three occasions he's charged straight through it.
Just caught up on this thread. GT, LOVE Darwin... it just makes me sick when people abuse animals!!! I am so glad he's found a loving home w/you. I hope you can get the invisible fence under control. BUT I'm afraid that if he's learned he can run right through it, it's not the best thing for him. Some breeds will get so focused on something on the other side of the fence, that the invisible fencing just doesn't work.

When we got our greyhound, they cautioned us against any type of invisible fence because they get up to speed so darn fast that they'll just run right through it.

So... I have a greyhound (resue) and a chihuahua. I had never had small dogs before. In fact, the chi was supposed to be my daughter's dog... yeah, right. Toby is now MY dog. He is such a snuggler w/me, but lo and behold, stay away from me if he's sleeping on my lap!! He will go after my hubby w/a vengeance!! Katy and I can pick him up and do anything w/him. Not so other people. chihuahua's may look cute, but they are NOT good dogs for a family with little kids or a busy household. The greyhound is a BIG couch potato, and loves everyone.
Well, I'd definitely prefer a chain link fence, but I can't afford one. The invisible fence was cheaper (though even it was a stretch)

Darwin has settled in nicely, and aside from a nasty run in with a bee last night (turns out he's somewhat allergic), he's doing great!
Too bad about the bee! I hope he's feeling better today!

I now have another LITTLE chihuahua (3 lbs) to add to my zoo!
TQM , we also have a very large couch potato. A 90lb Boxer. no, normally boxers are not THAT big, but he THINKS he is small (picture enormous lap dog) so there is that !

GT, bummer on Darwins run in with the bee. So glad he found a loving home.

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