Anybody have experience putting up chain link fences? Can it be cheaply and effectively done as a DIY-job?
This may sound lame...but have you checked youtube? I learned how to fix my in ground sprinkler system valves, wires, and heads, and how to convert to drip systems from there. I love the internets!
I am the proud owner of a 12 week old German Shepard Mix puppy named Rookie from our local shelter. We lost our fox terrier Sarge in February and DH saw the newborn litter at the shelter a few days later. We were planning on waiting but I also said we would know when we saw a dog we needed. I forgot what puppy time was like. I haven't slept a complete night since we brought her home!
Awwww great story

Also I found a name for my puppy, and it was so obvious I felt kinda dumb after! Our first dog is named 'Annakin' with 2 n's as a nod to her kennel name 'Anne'. We wanted a change she would still answer to and are also huge Star Wars nerds! I was watching the season finale of Clone Wars again and was like 'OMG PUPPIES NAME IS AHSOKA!' It is perfect for 3 reasons: Ahsoka is Anakins apprentice in the series, as she is Annakins puppy apprentice now. She has crazy awesome facial markings like my puppy, and she's also an independent thinker, kind hearted, fearsome when need be, and loyal unto the point of self sacrifice which are also characteristics of Great Pyrenees. Perfect!
This is a video of their namesakes, there's music but also great series quotes mixed in