What do you need?

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This is in reflection of the state topic. When you travel for a meet, what do you personally need to bring with you? (Besides the obvious leo, warmups, etc.)

For me, it's lavender and jazmine pillow spray and body lotion. I have a sleep disorder and it is really difficult for me to get a good night's sleep, even at home. It's aggravated by hotel rooms. Last year at state, I did horrible because I was sore and sick from not being able to sleep two nights in a row. My mom and I found this spray, and it's been the only thing that helps every since. I also bring my 'book of quotes' and a pen in case I get inspired.
I bring lots of clothes because we all go out and eat and such. Then I bring a bathing suit because we usually get lucky enough to have a pool but not at nationals last year. Then I bring my ipod and cell phone so I can text non gymnast friends. Yeah I actually have a few of them. And I try to convince my dad to let me bring his computer and let me use it but it doesn't usually work. Then I bring lots of food. I'm like the only one who can eat at meets.
Yeah, I bring my iPod and phone too, but I bring those everywhere! And I just got a new swimsuit so I'm pretty excited about wearing it for the first time. You didn't have a pool for nationals? I loved our hotel...they were always making chocolate chip cookies and popcorn, and tea(I love tea, and they had 10 different kinds), coffee, and hot chocolate were available 24/7!
Lucky!!! No we stayed in some hotel in tacoma I think? It had a starbucks inside but thats about it. Our fun things in the hotel was like riding the elevator. lol. but hopefully this year will be better. it was a nice hotel though. i just dont think it was meant for like 1930503589 gymnasts to run around it!
I just had a funny thought. I was like, oh wow, no one's planning a hotel for us yet. Then I remembered we don't need one! We're a little under an hour and a half away. :D
haha yeah. ive stayed in a hotel for a regular meet before cuz it was like early session and i had a 100 something fever. haha i did so bad at the meet but it was like level 5 leagues
Baby wipes, my ipod, about ten cans of hairspray lol, my phone, a brush and thousands of hair ties (why does no one else's hair fly everywhere? I always look like I've been dragged through a hedge backwards after bars!! ) and food!!!

I eat so much at meets its unbelievable!!! They make me so hungry. I usually take a couple of bananas, pineapple, granola, water and isotonic juice stuff and a couple of sandwiches lol. Meets are so long. I need to eat like every two hours :D.
besides my leo, I always bring an extra leo and an extra pair of warm ups... I've never actually used the extra leo but i can't imagine what would happen if i didn't. um of course my grips, but i always bring my old pair and a new pair. and then i only use 1 tiger paw on my right wrist but i bring the left one and another right one. haha. i bring like 10,000 clips and bobby pins (sp?), 10,000 hair ties, and tough skin. blow dryer, straightener, hairspray, gel, mousse, like 50 rolls of pre-wrap (jk), and 50 rolls of tape. tiger balm, clothes to go out, my uggs and probably flip flops but usually my uggs (one time i wore them in between every rotation because we had to wait for like an hour and the floor was concrete!!), razor just in case, lotion, a bunch of tee shirts for no reason, and of course my phone and ipod and probably my goal book too
That's a lot of stuff. The only things in the bag I carry around with me are:socks, slipper-slides, water, soyjoy bars, my quote book, warmups, blanket, and chapstick. Yes I know-I skipped grips. I don't wear them! I leave my purse in the car.
hey guys BTW i forgot my music and I'm competing tomorrow morning at states. I'm up at midnight (aka not going to get sleep tonight) and my moms at walmart. I'm downloading itunes and my mom is buying a plug (for my ipod) and im trying to download my itunes library into my mom's computer.

long story short. I will now ALWAYS bring an extra CD for my music. thank god i thought i'd check just incase while I was sleeping. and thank god my mom loves me enough to go out.

Wow, best of luck getting that all resolved. Hope everything works out for you in your meet...
hey Danielle,

I'm so sorry about forgetting your music, your coaches should carry it like boo does! Well I hope your sleeping right now and everything gets worked out with the music so you don't have extra stress on you tommorrow. Good luck and I know your going to do awesome, stay positive!
hey guys BTW i forgot my music and I'm competing tomorrow morning at states. I'm up at midnight (aka not going to get sleep tonight) and my moms at walmart. I'm downloading itunes and my mom is buying a plug (for my ipod) and im trying to download my itunes library into my mom's computer.

long story short. I will now ALWAYS bring an extra CD for my music. thank god i thought i'd check just incase while I was sleeping. and thank god my mom loves me enough to go out.

Good Luck Danielle! I'm sure you will do fine. You are lucky your mom will get it though. Haha my parents would be like too bad oh wait is it like your floor music? or just music music
Good luck girly! It'll all work out in the end, I'm sure. :)

Hmm. What do I need? Besides the usual gymnastics stuff, I always pack way more clothes than I need (this season when we went to the Graffiti in Niagara Falls I think I had 7 different outfits to span 2 days... :p ). Always my iPod, I can't go anywhere without it... my quote book, my journal, a pen and paper (handy for keeping track of all-arounds through the middle of meets, even though our coaches tell us not to. teehee.), snacks, gatorade, and usually some sort of stuffed animal to remind me of home. :)
Yeah, I always carry an extra cd, even though our coach brings everyone's. Good luck though!
What are these quote books that everyone has? Is it just like a quote on every page? I should make myself one before nationals.
Mine is a small pocket-sized journal-it contains every quote I've posted here, plus poems I've written, or ones that I like, and song lyrics and such.
um let me see i allways bring my grips, spray bottle, tape/prowrap, pillow and blanket for the car and hotel, book, ipod, cellphone and charger, my leo and track suit obliviously, extra leo, both pairs of tigerpaws, all my hair stuff, camera, water and food, extra music, clothes, my heating pad, socks, lucky teddy bear that my mom gave me at provincials, swim suit, ear plugs for at the hotel room if my brothers are loud, and anything else I need but the list goes on and on (i pack wayyy to much).:D

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