This is certainly an issue with dads in general. My husband is like this and of the camp that thinks we are too "soft" on today's youth. There is a general clear line of what is considered physical abuse in sports but emotional abuse is much more blurry. I am not speaking to your coach, MIL. I am just saying generally I think males tend to feel some of the behavior is more "touch coach" than abuse. Calling out gymnasts for "being lazy" and "wasting their time" "why are you here if you're not going to listen and work?" are examples. Is that abuse or is that just being brutally honest? Personally, I think it doesn't help motivate the gymnast and has the opposite effect (though others would disagree with me), but is it abuse? Guess it depends on the situation
Irrelevant. It is just anecdotal. And I have you beat by more than double, for hockey. What does that mean? Absolutely nothing. It's still all anecdotal. Seriously, if you are in a high level of any sport, you are going to have injuries. Both overuse and traumatic.
I hear what you are saying about data for injuries. I just don't think it will be particularly useful. What exactly would you want the statistics to look at? Which gyms are "safer"? That's not comparable by injury stats without knowing who they train (number of gymnasts per level, number of hours, etc), how they train, etc. Is it for which injuries are most prevalent across gymnastics and how to prevent them? Those stats are already available. Again, I just don't see the purpose. I am not in the habit of wasting money for something that is not going to yield anything useful. We already fund too many useless studies in this country. just my two cents...