Why do many parents keep track of every girl's scores at meets?

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Also - the kids start to mimic this stuff - generally untrue things about some judges didn't like us, the equipment wasn't good, whatever. I HATE this. They get it from the parents who start these rumors which are largely untrue because they don't understand (that is why I am more than happy to explain). But that is what I mean about distorting things for the kids. It isn't about what the judge scored one routine. Gymnastics is a process.
Actually, we didn't tell the kids anything. We just let it go, being a judges' cup meet. The kids were happy, and honestly, the parents found it funny at that meet that the scores were so mixed up. Who know if they went out of order, cards were mixed up, or what. But all 10 scores were there....just with a different kiddo.

We had another incident that was caught, I believe at state, where the score was entered to the wrong child. That one was fixed much more quickly. BUt overall, I think it was just a fluke at that one meet.

Our coach, and parents for the most part, do a great job of keeping the boys focused on what is importatn. My son saw a kid crying after awards one time and said "Look mom, he let scores and places ruin a perfectly good gymnastics meet." I love that line!
Also - the kids start to mimic this stuff - generally untrue things about some judges didn't like us, the equipment wasn't good, whatever. I HATE this. They get it from the parents who start these rumors which are largely untrue because they don't understand (that is why I am more than happy to explain). But that is what I mean about distorting things for the kids. It isn't about what the judge scored one routine. Gymnastics is a process.

Well, this is the last I will say on this subject. If I thought that DD was only driven by her scores, I wouldn't let her keep the score book at all. Example of what is driving her: she had a meet this weekend that was scored differently than her previous meet a few weeks ago. I asked afterwards how she felt and she thought it wasn't her "best effort". When I asked her to be more specific, it had to do with the errors she felt she had made, not that she had scored lower than the previous meet. If she had whined about scoring, we would've been putting the score book aside for the rest of the season. I guess what I am trying to say is that there are varying reasons that parents keep up with scores-some good, some not so good. I am trusting by own instincts and will stand by what I have done although I have not done it so much this season (at the meet).
A wrong score is flashed because there are kids flashing and they don't always put up the right numbers. Don't know why it isn't that hard to read but these kids look to be about 9 or 10 and they tend to fool around a bit and don't always pay attention to the score before the 8yo runner wisks away with the sheet. I've been at meets where they forget to flash the scores and that really messes things up if you are trying to see if they qualified for a sectional, state, regional or national meet.
Until I read this post and thread, i didn't know that it was frowned upon to keep tally of DD's team mates scores. I am guilty of it and most of the parents on our team as well. I even showed them the app I downloaded and most of them bought it too! I've emailed all the parents who ask after a meet the results sheet too. Why do I do it? I find it intersting to see from meet to meet to see how the scores go up. It's innocent and not meant to be judgemental of any other girl. This whole thread has me rethinking whether or not I'll do it this season now!
Until I read this post and thread, i didn't know that it was frowned upon to keep tally of DD's team mates scores. I am guilty of it and most of the parents on our team as well. I even showed them the app I downloaded and most of them bought it too! I've emailed all the parents who ask after a meet the results sheet too. Why do I do it? I find it intersting to see from meet to meet to see how the scores go up. It's innocent and not meant to be judgemental of any other girl. This whole thread has me rethinking whether or not I'll do it this season now!

Nah - I'm still going to keep track of my dd's team. There are plenty of reasons to do that. I do it for Team score, scrapbooking, and for sending stats to the local paper. I don't think anyone has issues with tracking your dd's own team, as long as it's done for the right reasons (not a Ha-ha, by kid scored better than so-&-so). I have that app too. I love it!

I don't get trying to track everyone in my kids age group though. Most meets we go to are very large. Logistically that is just not possible at very many meets....and I would find it daunting and would take away from enjoying watching my dd compete. BUT - to each his/her own.
I track the scores for our level 6 team and at awards I keep track of placements, I do this because I work in the office of the gym and do a paper write up after every meet, and also an excel sheet of every level scores for the girls to get at the end of the year banquet on their award for the year. So tonight when I work I can start on the level 6's since the gym that hosted the meet does not have the scores up yet.
I have always done it. I keep track of our team and sometimes the ones in my DDS age group if u can catch them. I keep the while team because we are like a family and I care. I like to know all the AA scores so we can see who's qualified for state, who improved, who didnt, etc. Ive learned to figure team score and that's fun. I always bought a rotation sheet and kept the whole teams scores until the meets and programs got so expensive. I've kept them in page protectors with photos, ribbons, tickets, etc from that meet. Sadly, it stops around level 8 due to me refusing to pay so much for the program, esp when the entry fee to watch my dd in a meet I already paid for her to compete in us over $10!!!!!

Anyway, it's fun to look back and see how everyone did back then, esp the girls who've made it this far with my dd.
Everyone I know keeps track usually of the level their kid is on. Ive never heard it was frowned upon. Maybe its a regional thing.
I know several of the parents of girls on our team keep track of all of our girls. It's nice for me because I usually miss my daughter's score being posted. A few of them have said that they do it to keep busy and keep from stressing. I completely understand that because I take pictures of each girl on our team at every event so that I don't stress out. These poor girls are going to start hiding from my camera by the end of the season.
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At our gym, it is a tradition for the parents to give each gymnast on their daughter's team some kind of small, personalized gift. We are a small gym so this isn't a huge financial burden. My gift to my daughter's teammates is going to be a charm bracelet with charms that celebrate their accomplishments for scores and placement.

This is why I keep track of scores.....so I can order a few charms at a time throughout the season. So when Barbie Beam places 3rd and Barbara Bars wins first place, and Annie All Around gets second place, I can go ahead and order their charms along with an "I got my Kip" pin for Kim the Kipper.

I'm very excited about being able to give these girls this gift at the end of the season! I suppose if someone assumes other intentions then that's more a reflection of their soul than mine.

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