Wrist supports smell...help!

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Proud Parent
Sep 29, 2010
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My daughter has been wearing wrist supports for the past 4 months. (not Tiger Paws, just the kind from the local pharmacy as recommended by her ortho)

They SMELL!!! She wears them for all of practice (except bars when she wears grips....don't know what those smell like but they stay at the gym so I don't care! :)

And as a result, her bag smells, even though she leaves it unzipped and takes them out when she gets home from practice so they dry. I got those air freshener things they sell for gym bags and sneakers (little plastic ball things) but they do nothing!

I tried washing a pair but it made the velcro stop working so we are now on the third pair (about a pair a month!) I tried Febreze in the bag but since it's a vinyl material on the inside, it got kind of sticky. I also sprayed the actual wrist guards and this was moderately helpful but then I worried about that stuff touching her skin and giving her a rash so decided against this!

Any suggestions?! A super powered air freshener?!

Have you tried laundry sheets? Bounce fleecy for example. My SIL used them in her DD's hockey bag and even though they don't last long it is easy enough to change every other day or so.
What about putting them in a bag next to a box of baking soda, that usually absorbs bad smells, it is also non toxic. You can buy the boxes with vent holes in designed for fridges.
Baking soda sounds definitely sounds worth a try! I've also found tea tree oil quite good for deodorising and it is an antiseptic. You could try spraying them with water with some drops of tea tree oil added. (Note - I haven't actually tried this specifically with wrist supports).
What are they made out of? I have a wrist support I wear for carpal tunnel and it smells horrible after a few weeks of overnight wear. I wash it in wool wash and then sprinkle with tea tree oil, air dry, I've never found it affects the velcro.
It might sound odd but I do a lot of long distance walking and you hear all sorts of amazing wisdom from seasoned walkers. I was told to keep my water bladder in the freezer to prevent bacterial growth and that it also works a treat to stop trainers, insoles etc from smelling. Apparently it's not the sweat or the material that smells, it's the bacteria which grows while they are not in use and keeping them over night in the freezer stops this.
My feet always smell like fresh roses so I never tried it myself:)
I would try soaking overnight in Oxy Clean. That seem to take the smell out of anything and I dont think we have ever had a problem with it irritatting DD's skin.
Try washing them again but this time stick the velcro to where it supposed to be attached it protects the velcro and keeps all the other debris from getting caught up in them. Get a bag and add a scented dryer sheet in the bag it won't totally eliminate the odor from the supports as only soap and water can do that but it will help make them smell a bit nicer.
Wow! Thanks...these are all great ideas and I think I will go down the list and try them all! Starting with the Bounce sheets which will be an easy thing in the bag!

I had been washing them in regular detergent but may try woolite and the idea about closing the velcro first...I had been leaving them open so maybe that affected the velcro.

Hopefully one of these tips will solve our problem!!
Wow! Thanks...these are all great ideas and I think I will go down the list and try them all! Starting with the Bounce sheets which will be an easy thing in the bag!

I had been washing them in regular detergent but may try woolite and the idea about closing the velcro first...I had been leaving them open so maybe that affected the velcro.

Hopefully one of these tips will solve our problem!!

If all else fails, put them out in the sun or on a window sill to get a dose of bacteria killing UV rays. If that doesn't work, and all else has failed.......a clothes pin applied just below the bridge of the nose worked wonders when I was a bachelor:eek:;):D.
Wow! Thanks...these are all great ideas and I think I will go down the list and try them all! Starting with the Bounce sheets which will be an easy thing in the bag!

I had been washing them in regular detergent but may try woolite and the idea about closing the velcro first...I had been leaving them open so maybe that affected the velcro.

Hopefully one of these tips will solve our problem!!

You don't need woolite regular laundry soap is what I use (cheer) and they come out fine. The only thing is you do have to replace them every year - after a years worth of competions and practice the support value of them is just about gone.
are they made of Neoprene? If so, DD's ankle braces are made of Neoprene and they smell horrible! Nothing I have done, including washing, soaking, air drying, Febreze, etc. has helped. She needed a new brace recently and I noticed how lovely and odor free it was coming out of the package...but not for long!! LOL
throw em out and get new ones. there is no hope if they're too old. they stink to the high heavens even after you wash them. lol.:)
Try soaking them in vinegar and hot water before washing them. I'd also recommend baking soda in the fridge packs for her bag.
Dunno's right. You'll never get he smell out. Buy a new pair and then use Lysol and underarm antipersperant - the spray kind - to help to keep the new ones bacteria free. Just spray them after each practice. Or u can just accept he fact that all gym grips and bags smell and never go near them. that's how I handle it. Lol

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