hip circle

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  1. Seagull00

    Parents Back hip circle and gym report card :)

    Little gymmie got her back hip circle tonight! She also got her gym report card and is moving to rec level 3, skipping 2. Her coach said she needs a few other basic skills but in another session or two she thinks she'll be ready for pre team or team. She said dd has excellent form and keeps...
  2. kaloss

    Parents Front hip circle help...again

    My daughter is really struggling with her front hip circle. I know it's all about timing. She has done bar clinics, private lessons, and regular practice working on them. She seems so close, but ,keeps dropping her hips away from the bar. We tied her to the bar today (like a strap bar, right...
  3. Ariekannairb

    Parents Front Hip Circle Conquered!

    Well, it can definitely be prettied up, but she consistently completes the skill now! #proudgymmom
  4. D

    Front Hip Circle, Bent Legs

    So I recently got my front hip circle, but my legs and arms are bent. I try to tell myself to keep my legs straight throughout the skill but for some reason they always bend or I just flop off the bar and don't make it all the way around. Does anyone have any tips or drills?? Thanks!
  5. G

    Coaches slow front hip circle

    I have a gymnast having some issues with this skill. She rotates incredibly slow. Any suggestions to get her moving faster?
  6. gymnasticswim4

    YAY!!!!!!!! I GOT MY BACK HIP CIRCLE!!!!!!!!!

    Today I finally got my back hip circle! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYY!
  7. billise

    Parents Finally Front Hip Circle!!!

    So excited I just had to share with people who would understand... DD (age 6, level 3) finally got that elusive FHC! I had heard horror stories about the mill circle but DD managed to that skill in about 3 weeks. The stories I heard about the FHC didn't seem nearly as bad so I figured she'd pick...
  8. amblan01

    Got my back hip circle!

    Got it on the second try! But since I use palm protectors and I don't have a very good grip on the bar I have to tuck my thumb under the bar and if I don't tuck my thumb then I don't have my back hip circle. Its a grip issue. But yeah I got it right in front of our coach! Sent from my DROID...
  9. J

    Back hip circle help!?

    I can't do a back hip circle! My arms bend and my hips fall away from the bar every time I try!
  10. GabbyNastiaShawn00

    WAG Back Hip Circle Help!!!

    I'm training level 4 (new level 3) and I CAN'T get my back hip circle!! I can do it with a spot, but not by myself. Every time i'm doing it by myself, I fall under the bar. My coach keeps telling me that I need to get more momentum from my cast, and that I need to keep my hips to the bar, and I...
  11. aileenmaryf

    Coaches Back hip circles...ahh!!

    I am a coach at a club in my town and one skill I consistently have kids get stuck on is back hip circles. There are those occasional kids who get it right away but most of the kids I coach just don't understand them. For me it was one of those things that came so easily I don't even remember...
  12. gymnasticswim4

    Back Hip circle help?????? (Beware of rant)

    I mean, now I can everything fine with the other events but....... my good ol' enemy, THE BAR..... dud dud dun..... yeah, i fail at bars..... it took me two years to get my pullover and the only that's blocking from level two is that good ol' bar. Well, not really, my back hip circle. I can...
  13. K

    Parents Front Hip Circle

    My DD is struggling with her front hip circle. She was on bars last at her team practice on Thurs., and all the other girls came running out because they were done. She wasn't with them, so I looked over there, and she had gotten back up there to try it a few more times. Her bars coach asked...
  14. GymMama

    WAG Help with Front Hip Circle!!

    DD (7yo) L4 is going to have her first meet in a couple of weeks. The only skill she does not have is her front hip circle on bars! Several girls on her team don't have it completely yet, so I tell her no worries! But she cries a lot about it after practice because she's afraid she won't be...
  15. gymmomtotwo

    Parents DD got ro bhs and front hip circle in same week

    Is there something magic about turning 6? All of a sudden she is learning skill after skill after being pretty stagnant for about 6 months. She's gone from not even being able to do even a bad bhs on trampoline to doing a really good looking ro bhs on the regular floor in a month. The progress...
  16. d0nut_l0ver

    Back Hip Circle Problems

    So, for the summer, our gym combines the pre-team for 9 and under with the pre-team for 9 and up. This is an awful idea because the younger class is WAY less advanced. Most of them can't even do a backbend... But the one thing that all of those little girls have is a back hipcircle. I...
  17. M

    front hip circles

    My dd can't seem to get her front hip circle. Her anxiety is so bad over this skill that it's causing her to have issues getting to practice (she has an anxiety disorder). I keep telling her to relax as I'm sure she'll figure it out but I'm guessing she's the only one that doesn't have it and...
  18. D

    Front hip circle Help !

    I just started level 5 And in lvl 4 I had a a striaght arm front hip circle. But I just got grips and I think The grips might be my problem. Any advice ?
  19. G

    Back hip circles - finally!!!

    So, after 4 months of desperately trying to get my back hip circle and being left wayyy behind, yesterday at gym I FINALLY did it! One of my problems was that I was trying to rotate too early, about in the middle of the cast. Thank you SO much to everybody who helped me with this and replied to...
  20. K

    Back hip circle help!!!!

    Ok so, I have been having trouble with my back hip circle. Here's my problem, I can't get around the bar I cast off the bar and begin to go around but then I fall back down when my body is horizontal to the ground. I only have three practices till my first meet and I'm nervous that if I fall on...